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Nadam se da se nik neće pobuniti što ovo nije klasičantiramisu. Svi sastojci su ustvari isti osim što nekoliko nema, kao naprimer čokolada i kakako. Umesto toga koristili smo mešavinu bobičastog voća. I ukus je bio fantastičan. Probajte!
3 paketa piškota
250 g mascarpone*
500 ml pavlake
300 g mešanog bobičastog voća
100 g muskavado šećera
1 kašičica vanile
300 ml kafe
Skuvamo kafu. Ja sam koristila instant late sa ukusom lešnika.
Umutimo pavlaku sa50 g muskavado šećera. Vi naravno možete koristiti i običan šećer. Muskavado šećer je nerafiniran šećer koji se dobija iz šećerne trske i ja ga rado koristim jer je mnogo zdraviji.
Umutimo maskarpone i dodamo 50 g šećera i kašičicu vanile
Svaku piškotu umačemo kratko u kafu pa redjamo u posudu koju smo izabrali za tiramisu. Na prvi sloj stavljamo maskarpone pa pospemo voćem. Zatim opet piškote pa umućenu pavlaku i tako redom dok ne stignemo do poslednjeg sloja koji treba da bud epavlak . Ukrasimo ostatkom voća
Ostavimo u frižider najmanje 3 sata ili još bolje preko noći.
Ja sam tiramisu pravila u dubokoj okrugloj posudi pa je blo teško iseči lep komad za slikanje.
*Maskarpone je ovde dosta skup , a vrlo je jednostavan da ga napravite sami što možete videti na mom blogu ovde : Mascarpone
Fruit Tiramisu
Ok this is not a classic tiramisu although it has all the ingredients . We only substituted chocolate and cocoa with berry fruit. And it was very tasty!
3 packets of lady fingers
300 ml strong coffee
250 g of mascarpone*
500 ml of cream
100 g of muscavado sugar*
300 g of mixed berry fruits
1 tsp of vanilla essence
First make strong coffee. I used instant Cafe latte with hazelnut flavor
Beat the cream and add 50 g of muscavado sugar. Your cream will be brown of colour because of muscavado sugar. You are welcome to use regular sugars. I love muscavado sugar because it is smoother , its made of sugar cane it's unrefined and it is healthier.
Mix Mascarpone with rest of the sugar till smooth
Mascapone is expansive here but it is actually very simple to make at home. See my recipe :Mascarpone
Now start bydipping each lady finger in the coffee. Layer the bottom of the dish you have chosen for your tiramisu. I chose round high glass bowl, which made it difficult to cut nice piece for the picture.
Pit layer of mascarpone and sprinkle some berries on the top.
Now again lady fingers.Than whipped cfeam and fruit.
Repeat till you use all ingredients.
Last layer should be cream and decorate with the rest of the fruit. Leave in the fridge at least 3 hours or overnight.
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