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Feb. 26th - Mar. 26th

уторак, 26. јул 2016.

Kolač sa breskvama * Peach Cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Jedan od naših omiljenih voćnih kolača je kolač sa breskvama. Kad ih nabavimo van sezone, što inače vrlo retko uradimo (osim kad nas baš spopadne velika želja) , uvek je nedoumica pojesti ih kao voće ili napraviti kolač. Kad se nadje razlog kao recimo neka poseta onda prevagne, kao u ovom slučaju kolač


5 jaja
250 g šećera
250 g putera
200 g brašna
500 g breskvi
šećer u prahu za posipanje


  • Razdvojiti žumanca i belanca, pa od belanaca ulupati čvrst šne
  • Mešamo puter i šećer, dok dobijemo penastu masu, pa dodajemo žumanca, jedno po jedno
  • Umešamo pažljivo brašno i šne

  • Sipamo u ravan pleh pokriven pek papirom i namašćen

  • Ako želite da ljuštite breskve zasecite vrh  u X i spustite breskve u vodu koja vri nekoliko sekundi

  • Oljuštene breskve prepolovimo i naredjamo po testu

  • Testo pečemo 20 minuta na 180 stepeni Celzija
  • Gotov kolač, po želji možete posuti  šećerom u prahu

Peach Cake

One of our favorite fruit cakes. When we get hold of peaches out of the season ( which we seldom do with any fruit) , the reason is that we crave it so much and can not resist.
Once we have it we face new challenge. Eat the fruit or make the cake. If the reason is that we are getting visitors as in this case, the cake is made


5 eggs
250 g of sugar
250 g of butter
200 g of flour
500 g of peaches
Icing sugar for dusting


If you wish to peel peaches same trick as with peeling tomatoes applies. Make a X cut on the top of the fruit and lower peaches in boiling water for 5 seconds. Peel will come off very easy

Divide egg whites and yolks. Beat egg whites stiff
Mix butter and sugar till nice and creamy
Add yolks one  by one
Than incorporate careful flour and egg whites

Spread mixture in flat baking pan with baking paper which is buttered

Arrange halved peaches on top
Bake 20 minutes on 180 Degrees C
Dust with Icing Sugar

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