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недеља, 18. септембар 2016.

Enčilada sa crnim pasuljem * Black Bean Enchilada

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Uvek smo u potrazi za nečim novim i ukusnom, što nam se čini i ukusno za celu porodicu. Takav je i ovaj recept koji ima malo i egzotike, jer je crni pasulj dobio dodatak Molle (meksičkog čokoladnog sosa). Mnogi misle da je ovaj  sos sladak ali to uopšte nije tačno. Tamna čokolada koja se u njemu koristi  daje kremast divan sos. Već sam postupak pravljenja ovog sosa objasnila OVDE.

Recept za domaće tortilje , možete pogledati OVDE


1 Kašika ulja
2 čena belog usitnjenog luka
3 kašičice čilija u prahu
2 kašičice  kurkume
2 šolje kuvanog crnog pasulja ( ja sam koristila konzervu kuvanog, vi možete skuvati, oko 20 minuta)
2 šolja paradajz pirea ili sosa
1 šolja bistre supe
1 Kašika sveže iseckanog peršuna
1 kašičica soli
300 g mlevenog mesa  (govedje ili svinjsko)
6 d0 8 tortilja
150 g rendanog kačkavalja


Prvo izdinstamo beli luk pa dodamo mleveno meso i pržimo na srednjoj vatri odvajajući ga viljuškom u grudvice, oko 3 minuta

Dodamo skuvani pasulj, paradajz pire, so, kurkumu, čili, peršun i sve dobro promešamo. Pri kraju dodamo Mole sos i promešamo

Tortilje na kratko ( oko 30 sekundi) zagrejemo u mikrotalasnoj da bi se lakše zavijale

Namastimo posudu u kojoj ćemo ih peći.

Na svaku tortilju stavimo 3 Kašike mešavine  i zamotamo čvrsto.

Redjamo u posudu dok sve ne istrošimo.
Ostatak punjenja rasporedimo izmedju tortilja i ivica. Ulijemo bistru supu

Pospemo rendanim kačkavaljem i pokrijemo alu folijom.

Pečemo 20 minuta na 180 stepeni Celzija
Poslednjih 5 minuta , skinemo foliju da se sve lepo zapeče

Black bean Enchilada

We always search for new and tasty dishes, our Family would like. That is how this recipe mđcame about. It has a bit of exotic touch with Mole sauce . Lot of people think that this famous Mexican sauce is sweet but it is actually not. It is creamy with specific taste that suits meat.

  • 1 tbs oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 tbs chili powder
  • 2 cups cooked black beans
  • 1/2 cup Mole sauce*
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup clear stock
  • 2 cups tomato puree or 1 can (15 oz) tomato sauce 
  • 1 tbs chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 cup clear stock
  • 300g mince (pork or beef)
  • 1 tsp tumeric
  • 12-14 (5.5-inch) corn tortillas *
  • 150 g grated cheese
  1. Heat oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Add  garlic to cook until soft , add mince fry 2 min 
  2.  Add the chili powder, turmeric powder, and salt. Cook another 2 minutes. Add the beans and tomato and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to low. Add mole sauce and simmer 3 minutes.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat . 
  4. Preheat oven to 180 Degrees Celzius
  5.  Microwave 5 tortillas at a time or follow the package instructions to soften. Scoop about 3 Tablespoons mixture into each tortilla and roll it up tightly. Place the filled and rolled tortillas in the baking dish seam-side down. Finish all tortillas.
  6. Dip the pastry brush in the sauce and brush the ends of each tortilla. Pour the remaining sauce evenly over the enchiladas.
  7. Sprinkle the  cheese over the top of the enchiladas, cover the baking dish with aluminum foil. Bake for 20 minutes, on 180 Degrees Celzius. Remove the foil, bake for additional 2-3 minutes until the cheese is slightly brown.
  8. Garnish with the remaining parsley before serving.
  9. 9. * Mole sauce, explained how to make it HERE
  10. * Recipe for homemade tortillas you can read HERE

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