
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

среда, 22. август 2018.


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Ovaj kolač je vrlo popularan u Rusiji. Recept sam našla kod jedne Italijanke. Bila sam iznenadjena kako se lako pravi iako kad pogledate sastojke ne izgleda tako. Zaista fantastično izgleda i veoma je ukusna


za čokoladnu koru

- srednja jaja: 3 kom.
- šećer: 100 gr.
- brašno: 80 gr.
- kakao : 30 gr.
- prašak za pecivo: 5 gr.
- ulje: 30 gr.
- vanilin

za vanila koru :

- srednja jaja: 4 kom.
- brašno: 110 gr.
- šećer: 100 gr.
- prašak za pecivo: 5 gr.
- vanilin

za kremu:

- pavlaka: 500 gr. (+ 100gr za topljenje želatina)
- jogurt: 150 gr.
- bela čokolada: 100 gr.
- šećer u prahu: 40 gr.
- želatin: 7 gr. (+ 100 ml hladne vode )
- dehidrirano voće (opciono): 70 gr.
- vanilin

za dekoraciju:
-pavlaka: 200 gr.
- šećer u prahu: 15 gr.

za čokoladnu dekoraciju:

- tamna čokolada: 40 gr.
- maslac: 20 gr.
ili dekoracija po želji

Zapremina posude za sastavljanje torte: 2,5 litara.


Prvo u okruglom plehu sa dnom koje se vadi stavimo pek papir. pleh je razmera: 24 cm
Umutimo sve sastojke za čokoladnu koru pa prespemo u pleh

Pečemo u predgrejanoj rerni na 180 stepeni Celzija oko 25 minuta. . Kad je kolač ispečen ostavio da se malo ohladi pa ga uvijeo u plastičnu foliju i ostavimo sa strane

Isto ovo ponovimo sa vanila korom.

Dok se kore hlade pripremimo šlag. i želatin

želatin rastvorimo u vodi i ostavimo sa strane
Sipamo mleko,zagrejemo ga i komadiće bele čokolade stavimo i mešamo dok se ne rastope. Sipamo želatinsku smesu i dobro ujedinimo.

Umutimo pavlaku čvrsto , postepeno dodajuci šećer u prahu., vanilu i jogurt.. Na kraju dodamo ohladjenu smesu bele čokolade , mleka i želatina i sve dobro lagano promešamo

Iseckamo suvo voce.

Obe kore kad su se prohladile zamotamo u plastičnu foliju.

Čokoladnu koru resečemo na pola, pa jednu celu polovinu ostavimo sa strane
Isećemo obe kore na štrafte pa na kocke.

Sada brzo moramo slagati sastojke u činiju koju smo oblepili plastičnom folijom. Plastićna folija da bude malo duža da bi se kasnije kad se bude hladila gotova torta mogla staviti na vrh.

Na dnu činije stavljamo oko 3 Kašike šlaga, pa prvo redjamo čokoladne kocke.Zatim sve prekrijemo šlagom pa sipamo iseckano suvo voće.
Dodamo sada po kocku vanila kore i kocku čokoladne kore.

Opet sve prekrijemo šlagom, pa na vrh stavimo celu čokoladnu koru, pa zatvorimo vrh plastičnom folijom.

Odozgo stavimo teži tanjir pa ostavimo u frižideru 5- 6 sati ili preko noći.

Izvadimo činiju i stavimo tanjir na kome ćemo servirati na vrh ( prvo uklonimo gornju plastičnu foliju=, pa okrenemo činiju.

Tortu pemažemo umiksanom pavlakom i izravnamo.

Rastvorimo u kesi za dekorisanje malo tamne čokolade i oko 20 g putera. Kesu potopimo u vruću vodu dok se čokolada ne rastvori.
Zatim po želji dekorišemo
Ja sam je samo psula šećernim zvezdicama

Cake Pancho

This s a very popular Russian Cake. When I first saw the ingredients I thought it would be complicated, but it was not. And you have to admit. It looks amazing.


for cocoa sponge cake:
- medium eggs: 3 pcs. - sugar: 100 gr. - flour: 80 gr. - bitter cocoa powder: 30 gr. - baking powder: 5 gr. - oil: 30 gr. - vanillin for the vanilla sponge cake: - medium eggs: 4 pcs. - flour: 110 gr. - sugar: 100 gr. - baking powder: 5 gr. - vanillin for the cream: - whipping cream: 500 gr. (+ 100gr for melting jelly) - whole natural yogurt: 150 gr. - white chocolate: 100 gr. - icing sugar: 40 gr. - gelatin: 7 gr. (+ 100 ml of cold water to rehydrate) - dehydrated fruit (optional): 70 gr. - vanillin for the decoration: - whipping cream (whipped): 200 gr. - icing sugar: 15 gr. for chocolate decoration: - dark chocolate: 40 gr. - butter: 20 gr. The volume of the bowl to assemble the cake: 2.5 liters.


First, in a round cake pan with removable bottom, we put baking paper. The cake pan is the size: 24 cm We mix all the ingredients for the chocolate cake and pour it into a cake pan Bake in a preheated oven at 180 Degrees Celsius for about 25 minutes. When the cake is baked, left to cool down a little and then put it into plastic foil and leave it on the side We also repeat this with vanilla cake While the cake is cooling,, prepare the whipped cream. and gelatin Gelatin is dissolved in water and left aside We pour milk, heat it add pieces of white chocolate, stir until it melts. Pour the gelatin mixture in it and unite well. Beat the cream firmly, gradually adding sugar powder, vanilla, and yogurt .. Finally, add the cooled mixture of white chocolate, milk and gelatine and mix well all smoothly Cut out dry fruit. Both of the cakes put in plastic foil when cooled We cut the chocolate bar in half, leaving one whole half off the side We'll both cut the cakes into cubes.
Now we have to quickly put the ingredients into the bowl we wrapped with plastic foil. Plastic foil should be a little longer to put it on top when it is cooled down. At the bottom of the bowl, we place about 3 tablespoons of cream and chocolate cubes. Then we cover everything with whipped cream and pour the chopped dry fruit. Now add the vanilla cake and the chocolate cubes, alternating. Again, we cover everything with whipped cream, and then put on the top of the whole chocolate bar, and then close the top with a plastic foil.

Put a heavy plate on top and leave it in the fridge for 5-6 hours or overnight. Take out the bowl and put a plate on which we will serve onto the top (first remove the top plastic sheet, then turn the cake. Remove all plastic foil Pour whipped cream around the cake and make it even with a spatula.

Dissolve dark chocolate and about 20 g of butter. Dip the pouch into hot water until the chocolate dissolves.
I used tiny sugar stars Then, if desired, we decorate

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