
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

субота, 5. новембар 2016.

Trajfl sa jagodama * Strawberry Trifle

Scroll down for Recipe in English
Trajfl je ovde neizbežan za vreme praznika na kraju godine. Umesto jagoda dodaje se i svakkavo drugo voće. Kod nas u bašti jagode su stidljivo počele, pa sam iskoristila da napravim ovaj divan desert.


55 g  šećera
375 ml vode
250 g svežih jagoda, isečenih na listove
2 Kašike Cointrau likera
300 ml ulupne pavlake
45 g šećera u prahu
250 g kisele pavlake
250 g biskvita (imala sam Plazmu, pa sam koristila to)
nekoliko jagoda za dekoraciju


U šerpicu uspemo vodu i šećer u prahu pa kuvamo, dok se šećer ne rastopi
Sklonimo sa šporeta, uspemo polovinu jagoda i ostavimo da stoji, dok se tečnost ne ohladi
Zatim to izblendamo dok dobijemo lepu galtku masu. Ko želi može još propasirati da se odstrane semenke. Ja nisam

Sipamo u činiju i dodamo Cointrau

Biskvite sada sipamo u sirup i onda redjamo na dno posude  oko polovinu
 Posebno umutimo pavlaku i kiselu pavlaku, šečera u prahu prema tome koliko volite slatko.
Na biskvite sad redjamo jagode, pa sipamo krem i tako ponavljamo dok sve potrošimo. Na vrhu da bude krem
Dekorišemo sa jagodama. Ja sam još posula košticama nara, jer sam htela da ga potrošim, a i lepo izgleda

Ostavimo u frižider oko 6 sati ili preko noći


Strawberry Trifle

This is an deseert that you will often find on table here during end years festivities

Our first strawberries in the garden are ripening and I decided to make trifle. 
We actualy do make it more often during the year.
You can of course use any kind of fruit in this tasty desert.




Stir sugar and water in a small saucepan over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Stir in half the strawberry. Set aside to cool. Process in a food processor until smooth. Strain to remove the seeds. Discard seeds. Place strawberry mixture in a shallow dish and stir in the Cointreau.

Use an electric beater to beat the cream and icing sugar in a bowl until soft peaks form. Fold in the sour cream.

Dip half the biscuits into strawberry mixture and place over base of a serving bowl. Top with half the remaining sliced strawberry. Spoon over half the cream mixture. Repeat with remaining biscuits, strawberry mixture, sliced strawberry and cream mixture. Place in fridge for 6 hours or overnight to develop the flavours. Top with extra strawberry.

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