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Novi Zeland, najbolja zemlja na svetu za život. Zašto? Pogledajte ovu reportažu
Waihiki Ostrvo blizu Aucklanda (vudeo)
Nova ispitivanja koja su ovavljena na Legatum Indeksu Napretka, postavio je Novi Zeland kao najbollju zemlju za život. Ispred 26 zemalja , koje su bogatije.
Zato što nemaju premca da od svog dobrog života naprave još bolji
U ovom indexu se mere : zadovoljstvo, sloboda, zdravlje, porodične veze, poslovne mogućnosti.vlada, priproda, školstvo i sigurnost.
Institut je obrazložio, da slobodno tržište, slobodni ljudi i svetski najjače društvo u sociološkom smislu, čine razlog zašto je Novi Zeland zauzeo prvo mesto.
Auckland (video)
Norveška zauzela drugo mesto iza Novog Zelanda, dok su Finska, Švajcarska, Kanada, Australija, Holandija, Švedska ,Danska i Engleska popunile ostala mesta do 10
Burundi, Angola, Mauritanija and Irak, nalaze se na poslednjim mestima u tabeli
Novi Zeland je inače u poslednjih 10 godina, zauzimao prvo mesto, šest puta. Nije ga bilo u vreme finsijske svetske krize kao ni posle velikog zemljotresa u Christchurch i okolini. Od 2012 godine to se sve opet stabilizovalo i krenulo na bolje.
Ovo je zasluga svih instituciaj u Novom Zelandu , a jedan od najvažnijih faktora su sami Novozelandjani , koji su u rekordnom broju od 99 posto izjavili da se u životu, kada naidju na poteškoće, uvek mogu osloniti na porodicu i prijatelje.
Ta jačina u društvu, se pokazala kao odraz ne samo u socijalnom smislu već i u poslovnom napretku.
u celom ocenjivanju najnižu ocenu dbilo je čkolstvo . što je mo mojoj subjektivnoj oceni pomalo nepravedno.
Ali hej ipak sve u svemu, Novi Zeland je najbolja zemlja za život!
A new study has unveiled New Zealand is the world's best place to live.
Taking the top spot in a ranking list released by The Legatum Prosperity Index, New Zealand placed ahead of 26 wealthier nations "because of its 'unrivalled ability to turn its wealth into prosperity".
The Legatum Prosperity Index rankings focus on a country's measures of wellbeing, freedom, health, social ties, business opportunities, governance, nature, education and security.
"Free markets, free people, and the world's strongest society ensure that New Zealand takes the top spot in the Prosperity Index," the institute said.
Norway placed second behind New Zealand, while Finland, Switzerland, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom rounded out the top 10.
Burundi, Angola, Mauritania and Iraq were placed at the bottom of the table.
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"New Zealand has ranked first in the Prosperity Index for six of the last ten years. Bar a small prosperity drop as a result of the 2008 global financial crisis and the immediate impact of the Canterbury Earthquakes, New Zealand's prosperity has been on an upward trend, particularly since 2012," the institute's report said.
"This rise has been driven by concerted efforts by policymakers, especially in economic and health policy. New Zealand's business environment performance has seen it rise nine ranks to 2nd, and in health it has risen eight ranks to 12th."
The index also ranked New Zealand number one on "the fact that 99 per cent of New Zealanders claim to rely on family and friends when they're struggling".
"This social strength has been proved globally to not only have a significant impact on wellbeing, but on economic growth also," the index said.
The Index's praise also flowed on for New Zealand's health care system.
However, one criticism it had for New Zealand was its position at number fifteen in the education rankings.
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