
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

субота, 17. децембар 2016.

Pasta kuvana u mleku, u jednom loncu* Pasta cooked in milk , one pot

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Volim kad negde vidim ideju za nešto brzo i ukusno. Ova pasta je baš takva , iako malo neobično kuvana u mleku a slana. I što je veoma bitno us vakom bizi životu, ostaje malo sudova


500g  paste
2 paprike, babure, crvena i žuta, iseckane na kriške
500 ml mleka
300 g pilećeg mesa, bez kostiju, isečenog na komade
1 crveni luk, isečen
3 čena iseckanog belog luka
2 lista lorbera
psrstohvat mlevenog bibera
malo suvog začina
malo seckanog svežeg origana
1 kašičica aleve paprike
1/2 kašičice kajenskog bibera


Prvo propržimo pileće meso
Dodamo isečenu papriku, pa crveni luk i beli luk
Dinstamo oko 5 minuta
Dodamo pastu i nalijemo mleko.

Dodamo ostale začine , pa poklopimo i na srednjoj temperaturi krčkamo oko 20 minuta, dok mleko ispari ..većinom.

Serviramo uz salatu, po izboru


Pasta cooked in mik, one pot

I love it, when I discover recipe that is tasty and quick to prepare. This one is not cook traditionally in water but in milk. Absolutely delicious. And what is great too, all done in one pot, so not a lot of dishes


500 g pasta
300 g chicken breast, vut in chunks
2 bell pepprers, red and yellow, cut in slices
500 ml milk
1 sliced red onion
3 cloves of crushed garlic
fresh oregano
3 bay leaves
fresh ground black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper


First wie fry chicken meat , couple of minutes on both sides
Add pepper, garlic and onion
Add uncooked pasta
Add milk
Add herbs and spices
Cover and simmer for about 20 minutes till milk is almost evaporated and pasta is cooked.

Serve with salad as side dish

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