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понедељак, 12. децембар 2016.

Ananas punjen sirom i pekan orasima *Pineapple cream cheese ball with pecans

Scroll down for recipe in English

Ovde  je uobičajeno na susretima krajem godine,  da se posluži i ovako spremjen sir. Ako ne možete naći pekan orahe, možete koristiti i obične ili bademe. Lako i lepo izgleda na stolu.


225 g krem sira
1/2 šolje kisele pavlake
225 g rikote
100 g svežeg ananasa sitno iseckanog
1/4 crvene paprike, sitno iseckane
1 grana celera , očišćenog i vrlo sitno iseckanog
1 /4 šolje seckanih pekan oraha
1/4 šolje sitno seckanog , svežeg peršuna
1 Kašika senfa
1/4 kašičica crnog mlevenog bibera
50 do 75 pekan oraha, polovine
1 ceo ananas


Ananas presečemo na pola i izdubimo
U činiji umutimo krem sir, kiselu pavlaku i rikotu
Dodamo iseckani celer, papriku i ananas
Punimo mešavinom sira , malo zaoblimo.Redjamo pravilno polutke pekana. Moj ananas nije imao naj lep zeleni vrh , pa sam koristila šišarku koja sam ukrasila zrncima nara.

Ovo možete napraviti i dan pre , pa ostaviti u frižideru ali bez pekan oraha, koje poredjate pre služenja


Pineapple cream cheese ball with pecans

Here is tradition to make some of cheese ball as part of entertaining food at the end of the year. This one is very easy to make and look very nice on the table


225 g cream cheese
225 g ricotta
1/2 cup sour cream
100 g frsh , finely chopped pineapple
1 stick celery, peeled and cut finely
1/2 red bell pepper, cut in small pieces
1/4 cup chopped pecan nuts
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
1 Tablespoon mustard
1/4 tsp black pepper
50 to 75 pecan halves
1 Fresh pineapple


Cut pineapple in halve and take flesh out

Mix crem cheese, sour cream and ricotta till smooth.
Add celery, pepper and pineapple
Mix well than fill the hollowed half of pineapple

I could not find one with the nice green crown, so I used pinecone, which I decorated with pomegranate seeds

You can make this in advance and leave in firidge till next day.In that case, top is covered in pecan halves ,next day , just before serving

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