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Sugar and spice and all things without price

уторак, 14. јун 2016.

Imam Bayildi, punjeni patlidžan * Filled Eggplant

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Kako god ,  predanje kaže da je jedan Turski sveštenik došao nenajavljen u kuću i porodica nije znala šta da mu spremi ,pa su od sastojaka , koje su imali napravili ovo jelo. Njemu se toliko dopalo da se jedući onesvestio. 

Tako bi se i jelo u prevodu zvalo: Onesvešćeni Sveštenik. E sad ima uz to naravno kao i kod svakog predanja još jedna verzija onih koji tvrde da se onesvestio od previše ulja u jelu.

Ja naravno podržavam onu prvu verziju i potvrjujem jelo je u svoj svojoj jednostavnosti preukusno, mi smo ga u slast pojeli, bez da se onesvestimo


2 velika patlidžana
2 čena iseckanog belog luka
1 zelena babura, isečena
1 crvena paprika , isečena
3 Kašike maslinovog ulja
2 manja ili jedan veći iseckan crni luk
dobar rukohvat iseckanog peršuna
1 veliki ili 3 manja paradajza oljuštena i usitnjena
1/2 kašičice cimeta
so i crni sveže mleven biber, po ukusu
1/2 kašičice šećera
1 kačičica soka od limuna
50 g feta sira


Predgrejemo rernu na 190 stepeni C
Zagrejemo ulje u tiganju pa Isečemo štrafte na patlidžanu , ostavljajuči jedan deo neoljušten

Zagrejemo ulje pa propržimo patlidžan okrećući ga dok sav nije propržen.

U tiganju izdinstamo luk, dodamo papriku,  beli luk, paradajz. sve začine i dinstamo dok paprika ne omekša

Zasečemo patlidžan po sredini ali ne sve do kraja i otvorimo rasečen deo. U njega sipamo mešavimu povrća i začina i pospemo komadičima feta sira.

Vratimo u rernu i zapečemo još 15 minuta


Imam Bayildi

Story goes that there was a Turkish priest that visited unanounced a family who did not have much food in house. They prepared what they had and he liked it so much , that he fainted. This is also what the name of this dish means : Fainted Priest.

Of course as with all stories there are people that say that is not true .  fainted because the dish was too oily!

Whatever is true I like the first story and all I can say we ate it with gusto and did not faint.


  • 2big aubergines (eggplants)
  • 3tablespoons olive oil
  • 1onion, finely chopped
  • 2garlic, cloves crushed
  • 1green pepper (capsicum)
  • 1red pepper (capsicum)
  • parsley, good handful chopped
  • 3large tomatoes, blanched, skinned and coarsely chopped
  • 12teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • black pepper
  • salt
  • 12-1teaspoon sugar
  • 12lemon, juice of


  1. Heat oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas 5.
  2. Cut stripes of aubergine lengthwise leaving some o
  3. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a pan and saute the onion until soft and golden.
  4. Add crushed garlic and fry for 2 minutes.
  5. Add parsley, chopped aubergine, tomatoes, green and red pepper, cinnamon, salt and black pepper and cook for about 5 minutes.
  6. Add lemon juice and sugar to taste.
Slice aubergine on the top but not all the way to the end or bottom. 
  1. Arrange the aubergine in a baking dish and fill each one with the filling.

  2. Bake in the oven for about 155 minutes.

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