
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

понедељак, 6. јун 2016.

Hrono hleb x 2* Chrono Bread x 2

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Iako ja ne pratim striktno ni hrono, niti ostale kako ih već zovu pravce u kuvanju,  pogledala sam naravno malo pobliže i hrono kuhinjuIako ne u svim tačkama, ima dosta dodirnih sa načinom na koji se ja inače hranim. Pečem hleb skoro svaki dan i brašna koja koristim često su baš takva, heljdina, ražana i nebeljeno belo brašno, kao i integralno. Semenke takodje volim u pecivu, pa ovo i nije bio težak zadatak za mene, pa vam svima mogu preporučiti da probate.

Naravno meni je bilo lakše kad imam pomoćnicu u kuhinji :)

 Spelta i heljdino brašno hleb


300 g spelt brašna
200 g heljdinog brašna
1 kašičica soli. Ja upotrebljavam himalajsku so
1 1/2 kašičica sode bikarbone
200 ml mineralne vode
semenke suncokreta i crnog susama za posipanje


1. Predgrejemo rernu na 200 stepeni C. Pobrašnamo pleh u kome ćemo peći hleb
2. U činiju umešamo oba brašna,sodu bikarbonu i so
3. Dodajemo vodu i mešamo. Mešamo varjačom, pa onda rukom, sve dok dobijemo meko ali rastegljivo testo.
4. Napravimo loptu. Stavimo na tepsiju i malo rukom pritisnemo. Pospemo semenkama suncokreta i crnim susamom i pečemo 30 minuta

Integralni hleb sa semenkama


500 g integralnog brašna
300 ml kisele vode
1 1/2 kašičica sode bikarbone
1 1/2 kašilica praška za pecivo
1 1/2 kašičica soli
4 Kašike (ukupno) semenki, lana, suncokreta, bundeve , susama


  • Umešamo brašno i so. Dodamo semenke
  • U sredini napravimo malo udubljenje pa usipamo 300 ml vode i mesimo dodajući brašno sa strane.
  • Dodamo sodu bikarbonu i prašak za pecivo
  • Testo treba da bude meko ali ne lepljivo
  • Izručimo na malo pobrašnjanu radnu površinu, pa mesimo 8 do 10 minuta
  • Oblikujemo testo pa navlažimo vrh vodom
  • Zasečemo dijagonalno na nekoliko mesta
  • Ostavimo testo da odmori 45 minuta do sat vremena.

    Pospemo na vrhu još semenki, ako želimo

    Pečemo  45 minuta

    Kada je hleb gotov,  ponovo ga pokvasimo i ostavimo pod vlažnom kuhinjskom krpom.

  • ********************************************************************************
I am not strictly follower of Hrono or any other emerging directions in cooking. When my friend Lana Belić, from blog Kuhinjica mignone asked me for contribution for Chrono magazine, devoted to Chrono bread , I first looked  in some Chrono Recipes and was surprised that although not all, there are many points in it , that I already apply in my cooking. 

I bake bread almost every day and love bread flours from wholemeal, unbleached white flour, spelt, rye and buckwheat. So it was not very difficult task for me. Results are here and I can only recommend that you try

Spelt and buckwheat bread

  • 300g  spelt flour
  • 200g buckwheat flour
  • 1 tsp low sodium salt (I use pink crystal salt)
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 200ml  mineral water 
  • sunflower and black seeds for sprinkling
  1. Preheat the oven to 200C and line the baking tray with non-stick baking paper. 
  2. In a bowl, combine both flours, soda and salt together until well mixed.
  3. Add water and mix well until the dough forms. Continue mixing with a wooden spoon or by hand, until the dough is moist and  very pliable. Shape the dough into a smooth ball.
  4. Place the dough ball onto the baking tray and flatten it slightly to form a round shape. Sprinkle with sunflower and black sesame seeds and bake in the oven for 30 minutes until turns golden and rise slightly.


Wholemeal flour with seeds


  • 500 g  wholemeal flour
  • 300 ml mineral water
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1½ tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp mixed seed (optional), such as linseed, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower, plus extra for sprinkling


  1. Mix your wholemeal flour with salt in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the seeds if using. Make a dip in the centre of the flour and pour in almost 300ml mineral water, . Then mix in enough of the remaining water and a bit more if needed, to gather up any dry bits in the bottom of the bowl and until the mixture comes together as a soft, not too sticky, dough. Gather it into a ball with your hands.
  2. Put the dough on to a very lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels smooth and elastic, only adding the minimum of extra flour if necessary to prevent the dough sticking. 

  3. Put extra seeds on top if desired, Place the ball of dough on a lightly floured work surface. Cover with an upturned, clean, large glass bowl and leave for 45 mins-1 hr 
Bake for 40 minutes on 200 Degrees C

For both breads before baking wet with water on top. 
When the bread is ready wet it again and cover with damp kitchen towel.

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