
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

уторак, 10. мај 2016.

Limeta Čizkejk * Lime Key Cheesecake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Može se pomisliti da su se kod mene učestali recepti za Čizkejk u poslednje vreme. Jeste istina je ali šta ću , često kad imamo goste pa ih unapred pitam kakvu poslasticu žele, oni traže ovo. Pa da vam kažem i u pravu su. Ovako pečen čizkejk sa limetom je tako lak i osvežavajući posle velikog ručka ili večere.

Ovu verziju sam umesto krem sira koristila kiselu pavlaku


1 pakovanje biskvita. oko 200 g. Ja najviše volim ove sa djumbirom.
100 g istopljenog putera
1 konzerva kondenzovanog mleka (recept za kondenzovano mleko je OVDE)
2 žumanca
100 ml pavlake ( za dekorisanje)
200 ml kisele pavlake
30 g  rendanog kokosa
3 limete (sok od dve i rendana korica od 3)


Izmrvimo biskvit  pa u to uspemo 100 g istopljenog putera

Promešamo pa pritisnemo u okruhli pleh , 23 cm prečnika
Pečemo 10 minuta na 220 stepeni C
Izvadimo i pustimo da se ohladi

Dok se kora peče , pripremimo fil

Umutimo šećer i žumanca
Dodamo kiselu pavlaku, kondenzovano mleko, sok i rendanu koricu limete i sve dobro izmešamo.

Kada se kora ohladila sipamo fil na nju i stavimo d ase peće na 165 stepeni C oko 20 minuta

Izvadimo i ostavimo u plehu da se ohladi, pa ga ostavimo u frižider, najmanje 4 sata a najbolje preko noći

Kada je ohladjen , umutimo pavlaku, dodamo rendani kokos  i dekorišemo po ivici . Pospemo vrh sa malo rendane limeta korice


Lime Key Cheesecake

One could think that I lately make a lot of different Cheesecakes. And its true!
Not my fault. Every time I ask my guests to be , in advance which desert they would like and they choose Cheesecake. I do not blame them it is very zummy. And this one with lime is also very light and can be easičy mastered after big lunch or dinner.
I did not use anz cream cheese in thsi one. Instead I used sour cream and I quite like it.


1 pack , ca 200 g crushed ginger biscuits
100 g  melted butter
2 egg yolks
250 g sour cream
100ml whipped cream (for decorating)
3 limes  for juice of 2 and zest from 3
100 g sugar
1 can of sweet condensed milk ) Recipe for condensed milk HERE
30 g  of grated coconut


Crush the bisquits
Add melted butter, mix
Press in 23 cm baking dish
Bake for 10 minutes on 220 Degrees C
Let cool
In the meantime prepare the filling

Beat the egg yolk with sugar till fluffy and creamy
Add all other ingredients  and pour on the cooled base
Bake further 20 min on 165 Degrees C

Let it cool completely, than put in the fridge for at least 4 hours and even better overnight

When cool ,prepare whipped cream add grated coconut , mix and decorate the side of the cake, sprinkle some lime zest on top

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