Divan sos i u njemu govedje meso i povrće. Perfektno začinjeno i verujte zaista ukusno. Ja sam ovde koristila kao dodatak i sos koji kupim gotov, jednostavno zato što je vrhunskog kvaliteta i daje izvrsne rezultate. Vi se pridržavajte sastojaka koje sam izlistala i dobićete super jelo.
3 Kašike pačije masti ( možete koristiti i ulje)
300 g govedjeg mesa isečenog na komade
100 g dimljene slanine
350 g šalota , sitnog luka
250 g smedjih šampinjona
2 iseckane glavice belog luka
1 vezica buket garni ( timijan, peršun i lovorov list)
1 Kašika paradajz pire
750 ml crnog vina
Zagrejte veliku posudu i dodajte 1 kašiku guščije masti. Začinite govedinu i pržite do zlatno smeđe, oko 3-5 minuta, zatim preokrenite i pržite drugu stranu sve dok se meso proprži, dodavajući više masti, ako je potrebno. Izvadite meso na tanjir .
U istoj posudi pržite slaninu, luk, gljive,beli luk i buket garni dok se izdinsta. Dodajte paradajz pire i promešajte.To obogaćuje bourguignon i čini izvrsnu bazu za gulaš. Zatim vratite govedinu u posudu i promešajte.
Prelijte preko toga vino i oko 100 ml vode tako da je meso u tečnosti, ali nije potpuno pokriveno.
Zagrejte rernu na 150 ° C / ventilator 130 ° C / plin. 2. Pokrijte folijom.. Zatim kuvajte 3 sata. Ako sos bude voden, uklonite govedinu i povrće sa kašikom i stavite na stranu. Kuvajte sos na visokoj temperaturi nekoliko minuta dok se malo ne zgusne, a zatim vratite govedinu i povrće u posudu..
Beef Bourguignon
French classic for which you do not need an expansive piece of beef. Very tasty.
- 3 tsp goose fat
- 600g shin beef, cut into large chunks
- 100g smoked streaky bacon, sliced
- 350g shallot or pearl onions, peeled
- 250g chestnut mushroom (about 20)
- 2 garlic clove, sliced
- 1 bouquet garni
- 1 tbsp tomato purée
- 750ml bottle red wine, Burgundy is good
Heat a large casserole pan and add 1 tbsp goose fat. Season the beef and fry until golden brown, about 3-5 mins, then turn over and fry the other side until the meat is browned all over, adding more fat if necessary. Do this in 2-3 batches, transferring the meat to a colander set over a bowl when browned.
In the same pan, fry the bacon, shallots or pearl onions, mushrooms, garlic and bouquet garni until lightly browned. Mix in the tomato purée and cook for a few mins, stirring into the mixture. This enriches the bourguignon and makes a great base for the stew. Then return the beef and any drained juices to the pan and stir through.
Pour over the wine and about 100ml water so the meat bobs up from the liquid, but isn’t completely covered. Bring to the boil and use a spoon to scrape the caramelized cooking juices from the bottom of the pan – this will give the stew more flavor
Heat oven to 150C/fan 130C/gas 2. Make a cartouche: tear off a square of foil slightly larger than the casserole, arrange it in the pan so it covers the top of the stew and trim away any excess foil. Then cook for 3 hrs. If the sauce looks watery, remove the beef and veg with a slotted spoon, and set aside. Cook the sauce over a high heat for a few mins until the sauce has thickened a little, then return the beef and vegetables to the pan..
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