
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

петак, 26. август 2011.

Maorske legende..Ljubavna priča Hinemoe i Tutankei..Maori Legends.. Love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekei

Hinemoa je bila devojka iz Chiaftanes plemena koje je živelo u selu Ovhata na obalama jezere Rotorue.Na jezeru Rotorua oko 4 km od Ovhate je ostrvo Mokoia.Na ovom ostrvu živeo je  Tutanekei,lep mladić rodjen vanbračno.

Susedna plemena su se posećivala tokom nekih praznika i tom prilikom upoznali su se Hinemoa i Tutankei.Upoznali i zaljubili.
Njihova ljubav je postajala veća i veća i svake većeri Tutankei bi sedeo na verandi na svom ostrvu i svirao na faluti-Blagi vetar odnosio je zvuke preko vode.Hinemoa bi stajala na obali i intenzivno dočekivala ove zvuke ljubavi. 
kako to često biva u životu Hinemoini roditelji su posumnjali da se ona zaljubila u Tutankei i iako je on bio fin mladić,pleme nije želelo da on bude Hinamoin muž.
Svake večeri su proveravali da su kanoi dobro zavezani za obalu,da Hinemoa ne bi mogla da se otisne ka Mokoi.
Jedne večeri dok je Hinemoa stajali na obali i slušala zanosne zvuke Tutankeiove flaute,želja je pobedila strah.Zavezala je nekoliko praznih  tikvi za sebe i započela dug put preko jezera Rotorua, ka svojoj ljubavi.

Kad je najzad stigla do ostrva  ,posle nekoliko sati sva isrpljena..pronadje jezerce sa toplom vodom u koje udje da se ugreje.
Posle izvesnog vremena primeti senku muškarca koji je došao  da zahvati vodu sa obližnjeg izvora. 

U tom trenutku Hinemoa upita imitirajući muški glas ,za koga je ta voda

.'Ja sam Tutankeiov sluga i voda je za mog gospodara ..stiže odgovor
Hinemoino srce se ispunilo radošću da je tako blizu kuće svoga dragana.Ustane i razbije vrč sa vodom
Sluga otrči kući da ispriča šta se desilo na izvoru ali Tutankei je bio u tužnim mislima i nije mnogo na to obraćao pažnju.
 Sluga se vrati i ponovo napuni vrč i Hinemoa ga ponovo razbije.Ovo se ponavljalo nekoliko puta ,sve dok Tutankei ne odluči da ode da vidi  i ubije spodobu koja je uvredila njegovog slugu.
Kad je stigao do jezerceta upita ko se tu krije
-Tutankei ja sam to Hinemoa..začuje . Sav u neverici ali presretan zagrli Hinemou i dovede je kući odlučan da ih niko više neće rastaviti.
Sledeceg  jutra Hinemoin otac pošalje slugu na ostrvo da vrati Hinemou ali ljubavni par je bio tako čvrsto zagrljen i odlučan da se ne odvoji da se on vrati neobavljenog posla.
Hanemoino pleme se pomiri sa tim  i oni su živeli sretno sve dok ih smrt nije rastavila.Ovo ipak nije bajka već istinita priča, a ljubav Hinemoe i Tutankei jedna od najlepših i največih ljubavi sačuvanih u Maorskim predanjima.

I dan danas je ostrvo Mokoi omiljeno mesto gde se održavaju venčanja i svira se obavezno njihova pesma

Pakarekare  Ana

True Love Story 

Hinemoa was a Chieftainess of a tribe, who lived in a village of Owhata, located by the shores of lake Rotorua. On lake Rotorua there is the Island of Mokoia, four kilometers across the water from Owhata. On this Island there lived another well born but unfortunately illegitimate young man named Tutanekai. The tribes of the two young lovers would sometimes visit together for special occasions, so it was during these times that Hinemoa and Tutanekai would come to know one another and fall in love with each other. The love of Hinemoa and Tutanekai would grow stronger and stronger with each passing day, and there were times in the evening when Tutanekai would declare his love for Hinemoa from the Island of Mokoia. Tutanekai would sit on the verandah of his house, which was on a hillside overlooking the Lake, and he would play his flute. A gentle breeze in the evening would carry the sounds that Tutanekai played drifting across the waters of lake Rotorua. Hinemoa as she stood on the shores of the lake would listen intently, embracing the music from Tutanekai as he declared his love for her. 

However as often as it happens in life Hinemoa's relatives suspected that she had fallen in love with Tutanekai and although he was considered a nice young man, it was not the wishes of the tribe that the two should unite together in marriage. Every night they would ensure that all the canoes were beached up so that Hinemoa would not be able to pull the canoe into the water and make her way across the lake to be with her lover Tutanekai. 

One evening as Hinemoa stood on the shores of the lake with her heart so heavy and eyes full of tears, listening to the melody of Tutanekai's flute, she felt she could bear it no longer. She lashed together six gourds in order to keep her afloat and waded herself out into the lake, being guided along by the music of Tutanekai, she swam the long journey to Mokoia Island. When she finally reached the island after hours of exhaustion, she came across a hot pool and entered it. She was trembling with cold from the journey but her heart was full of joy. 

Sometime later Hinemoa could hear footsteps coming and she saw what appeared to be the shadow of a man filling a cala bash with water from a cold spring next to the hot pool. At that moment Hinemoa imitated the sound of a mans voice and called out loudly “Who is that for”. “I am the servant of Tutanekai. This water is for my master”, came the reply. Hinemoa's heart was glad knowing that she was so close to Tutanekai's home. She then seized the calabash from the servant and broke it on the rocks. The servant then raced back to his master Tutanekai and reported to him the strange incident that occurred at the hot pool, but Tutanekai was too tired and heart broken to do anything. 

The servant once again returned to fill the calabash with water and again Hinemoa seized the water calabash and broke it on the rocks. This would happen time and time again until Tutanekai finally decided to do something about the matter himself. Taking hold of his club he quickly hurried down to the pool to kill this stranger that had insulted him. Calling out for the intruder to identify himself, Tutanekai quickly made his way around the hot pool reaching around the edges, until finally he grabbed the arm of the adversary pulling him out of the water into the moonlight. 

“Tutanekai” she whispered, “It is I Hinemoa” 

Tutanekai surprised as he was, stood and stared at her in the moonlight, they then embraced each other as the two young lovers made their way back to Tutanekai's house. No longer would they be separated from each other again. 

The next morning as the two lovers slept in late, Tutanekai's father sent his servant off to wake him, it was then reported by the servant that as he approached the door of Tutanekai's house, as he looked into the room he could see that there two pairs of feet and not one lying in Tutanekai's bed. 

After that Hinemoa and Tutanekai emerged together embracing one another, from that moment on their union and love for one another was accepted by their relatives and tribes. 

This True love story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai is considered to be the greatest love story that is recorded in Maori History, the descendants of these two young lovers still play out this famous legend today in the city of Rotorua, serenading wedding couples with their world famous love song “ Pokarekare ana” the greatest love song in the History of the Maori People. 

35 коментара:

M. J. Vitelli је рекао...

Beautifly written and the music video was great..Thanks for sharing!

Rick Watson је рекао...

What a great story!

Анониман је рекао...

Yes we ahve Romeo and Juliet but with happy ending:)

Unknown је рекао...

Джоли,много романтична и красива история!
Хубав ден!Прегръдки!

Maja је рекао...

Divna prica!!Volim kada price imaju srecan kraj,a uz to su i istinite:)

Мъх је рекао...

Realy beatiful story!

Анониман је рекао...

Prekrasna i zanimljiva ljubavna priča popračene divnim slikama, uživala sam u čitanju!

Pusa i ugodan vikend:)

Marina је рекао...

Ljubav je jača od svega.

Dilajla је рекао...

Ah ta ljubav ,lijepa priča.

Lastavitza је рекао...

Kako je zanimljivo da svaki narod ima svoje legende i slične priče...divan post!

What's for dessert? је рекао...

Uvijek izabereš neku odličnu priču ili destinaciju da nam ju predstaviš

Urmi је рекао...

Wonderful picture, lovely music video and the story is very beautiful.

ivana је рекао...

svaki kutak u svijetu ima svoj ljubavni par! tako lijepa priča!

Sandra је рекао...

Wow Dzoli, this is so beautifully written and video was a nice touch to the post! Great job!

Mimi је рекао...

Divna prica... Drago mi je sto ima srecan kraj... :)

Pam је рекао...

Dzoli, what a great story! I thoroughly enjoyed it and the video. It's wonderful to know when true love prevails! I remember when we were in Hawaii and saw a show about the legend of the Maori People and Hawaiians. So intriguing and interesting too. Thanks for your excellently written post and video, pretty pics too!

Quay Po Cooks је рекао...

What a beautiful love story and music video. Thanks for sharing this great post with us.

Teuvo Vehkalahti је рекао...

WoW Dzoli, very nice vork.
Apples are exported to the edge of the forest, the deer for food.

Teuvo Finland

Анониман је рекао...

Lucky deers:) A feast;)

almondandbeans је рекао...

Dankeschön für deine Beiträge auf meinem Blog, ich kann dich auf jeden Fall beruhigen, der Baum wurde nur auf 7m gekürzt, hab noch einen schönen Tag & bis bald wieder Martina

Prirodna је рекао...

prekrasan blog, pravo otkriće, posebno mi se sviđa reportažica o Aucklandu, imam tamo rođake koji su upravo kod nas na godišnjem :) :)

Veliki pozz

Sanja је рекао...

Uvijek sam volila ovakve price koje se prenose generacijama i vremenom postanu simbol necega, u ovom slucaju ljubavi. bas mi je drago da prica ima srecan kraj :-)

Анониман је рекао...

Really enjoyed reading this beautiful story, thanks for sharing with us!

Unknown је рекао...

Dzoli divno je:)

tanja је рекао...

Molila bih Vas da mi pomognete oko nekih informacija vezano za iseljenje na nz. Moj mail:

Hvala unapred, Tanja.

Unknown је рекао...

I like your blog very much. And thank you for coming to my blog.
I love to know more about your country and know you better! Nice to meet you-)))

Dragana Daša је рекао...

kakva priča!:)

Nely је рекао...

Prelijepa priča ,baš sam uživala:)

Mary је рекао...

What a sweet story! I love it.

Elisabeth је рекао...

Such a beautiful inspiring story, the pictures really bring it to life, and the music video just really completes it...very well written!

Cathy at Wives with Knives је рекао...

Wonderful post, Dzoli. This is a beautiful story and your pictures and video tell it very well.

Jocie's Mom је рекао...

Fabulous post! Lovely story and a lovely video :)

Iiiii је рекао...

Lijepa prica, a posebno mi se svidaj sto malo za promjenu ima sretan kraj!

Kelly је рекао...

What a beautiful love story. Thank you for sharing this breath of inspiration and beauty.

NZ је рекао...

great story, beautiful pictures!

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