
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

четвртак, 24. март 2016.

Uskršnji običaji i Olivier salata * Easter Customs and Oliver Salad

Scroll down for Recipe in English
Već tradicionalno svake godine ispred katoličkog Uskrsa pozovemo grupu dece, udružimo naše običaje: Farbanje jaja i kucanje i Novozelandske: Lov na jaja. Bude to ceo happening i velika radost i za male i za velike učesnike.

Posle slavlja ostaju jaja pa smo do njih pravili Olivier salatu. E sad ako ste pomislili da je to neka fensi Francuska salata, nije. Ovo je Ruska salata na moj način. Inače je poznata kao Olivier salata zato što ju je prvi napravio Belgijanac,  Lucien Olivier  1860 godine,koji je bio glavni Chef u  čuvenom Moskovskom restoranu Hermitage.
Priča se da je njegov kuvarski pomoćnik  Ivan Ivanov ukrao recept, naročito dresing je bio tajni recept Olivier i kasnije ga serviraro u restoranu gde je radio ali nikada nije uspeo da sasvim potrefi original.

Da ne dužimo priču , danas svi u mnogim delovima sveta prave i vole Rusku salatu iako sastojci budu malo adaptirani, kao što je slučaj i kod mene.


5 kuvanih jaja
2 šargarepe
1/2 šolje kuvane leblebije (u originalu grašak)
1 mladi zeleni luk
3 kornišona
1 Kašika soka od limuna
1 Kašika senfa
1/2 kašičice kurkume
100 g seckane šunke
100g seckane dimljene piletine
2 krompira
Ja sam koristila i gotov kupljeni dresing Šafran i limeta umesto majoneza
so i biber, po ukusu


Skuvamo krompir i šargarepu i iseckamo
Iseckamo kornišone, jaja i šargarepu.
Skuvano leblebije (oko 20 minuta)
Iseckamo šunku i piletinu

U činiji pripremimo dresing .Umešamo senf, limeta i šafran dresing, seckani luk, so , biber i kurkumu

Dodamo sve ostale sastojke i promešamo


Easter Customs and Olivier Salad

Traditionally every year we invite group of kids to celebrate Easter customs. Serbian  which involves colouring  of cooked eggs and knocking each other egg , to find strongest one  and New Zealand one which involves Easter eggs (chocolate and marshmellow) Hunt.

It is great fun and everyone enjoys!

After the party me make from the leftover cooked eggs Olivier salad, which is more known as Russian salad. It is made and enjoyed in many countries in the world but originally it was invented by Lucien Olivier, Belgian Chef
Back in 1860  when he was chef of the Hermitage, one of Moscow's most celebrated restaurants. Olivier's salad quickly became immensely popular with Hermitage regulars, and became the restaurant's signature dish.
The exact recipe — particularly that of the dressing — was a jealously guarded secret, but it is known that the salad contained grouse, veal tongue, caviar, lettuce, crayfish tails, capers, and smoked duck, although it is possible that the recipe was varied seasonally. The original Olivier dressing was a type of mayonnaise, made with French wine vinegar, mustard, and Provençal olive oil; its exact recipe, however, remains unknown.
Story goes that the recipe was stolen by Oliviers sous Chef Ivan Ivanov who later served it in another restaurant and gave it other name. However the original dressing ingredients never were found

I also adapted my Recipe somewhat. using chickpeas instead of green peas and Lime and Saffron  dressing instead of mayonaise.


5 hard boiled eggs
2 cooked carrots
2 boiled potatoes
1 green onion
1 cup of cooked chickpeas
3 small dill cornischons (gherkins)
1 TBS of mustard
1/2 tsp of turmeric
salt and pepper , to taste
dressing Saffron and lime
100g of ham
100 g of smoked chicken


Boil potatoes and carrot and cut in pieces
Boil chickpeas ( about 20 minutes)
Cut green onion and peeled boiled eggs
Cut gherkins
Cut ham and smoked chicken
Make dressing
Mix everything and add salt turmeric and pepper.

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