
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

уторак, 10. април 2018.

Palenta, kobasice, džem od slanine* Polenta, sausages, bacon jam

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Volim palentu. I slanu i slatku i kuvanu i pečenu. A ako ste se zapitali kakav sad džem od slanine, pojma nemam tako to ovde zovu. Može se jesti i kao namaz na hleb, valjda zato. Kako god zaista je ukusan!

Kobasice su domaće , govedje. Pravila sam i sos od luka i pržila sam paprike uz to.



300 gram kukuruznog sitnog brašna
1/4 šolje pavlake
300 ml mleka
so , po ukusu

Džem od slanine

300 g slanine, isečene na komadice
1 crveni luk, iseckan
4 čena belog luka, usitnjenog
1/4 šolje vinskog sirćeta
1  1/2 Kašika šećera
2  šolje bistre govedje supe
so i biber po ukusu


Džem od slanine

Iseckanu slaninu sipamo u dobro zagrejan tiganj, pa smanjimo temperaturu. Kad se salnina isprži i dobije lepu zlatnu boju , izvadimo iz tiganja

U istom tiganju na msti koju je slanina odpustila prodinstamo beli i crni luk, pa vratimo slaninu, dodamo šečer, sirće , i 1 šolju  bistre govedje supe. pobiberimo i posolimo. Krčkamo oko sat vremena pa dodamo i drugu šolju govedje supe.Krčkamo još sat vremena pa pustimo d ase ohladi. Možete jesti tako ili u blenderu malo izblendovati.

U dobro zatvorenoj teglici možete u frižideru čuvati nedelju dana.
Ukusan je uz meso, burgere kao namaz na hrskav hleb....


Pustimo zasoljeno mleko da provri pa polako mešajući uspemo kukuruzno brašno. Pri kraju dodamo
pavlaku . Ako koristite sitno kukuruzno brašno ovo je gotovo za oko 5 minuta


Polenta, sausages and bacon jam

I love polenta, not only cooked but also fried or sweetened. We realy eat it on a regular basis.



300 g polenta flour
1/4 cup cream
300 ml milk
salt, to taste

Bacon Jam

  • 1lb smoked bacon, sliced into small pieces (or use regular bacon and liquid smoke)
  • 4garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1medium red onion, slicedp
  • 3tablespoons brown sugar
  • 14cup apple cider vinegar
  • 2 cups beef stock
  • salt and pepper, to taste

Bacon Jam

  1. In a non stick pan, fry the bacon in batches until lightly browned and beginning to crisp.
  2. Fry the onion and garlic in the rendered bacon fat on medium heat until translucent.
  3. Transfer the bacon, onion and garlic into a heavy based cast iron pot and add the rest of the ingredients except for the water.
  4. Simmer for 2 hours adding 1/4 of a cup of water every 25-30 minutes or so and stirring.
  5. When ready, cool for about 15-20 minutes and then place in a food processor. Pulse for 2-3 seconds so that you leave some texture to the “jam” or of course you could keep whizzing and make it a smoother and more paste like. Can be kept in the fridge in tight closed jar up to 2 weeks
Use with burgers , meat or on chunky bread


Bring the milk to   boil . Add salt, to taste. Pour slowly polenta into the milk , stirring. Add cream . Keep stirring if you need fine corn flour it will take only 5 minutes for polenta to be ready.

Fry good quality sausages. i used  handmade chunky beef sausages. Also made some onion sauce and fried some peppers.

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