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Sugar and spice and all things without price

понедељак, 26. март 2018.

Jagnjeći but, grilovano povrće, pesto od nane* Leg of Lamb roasted veges and mint pesto

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Lep jagnjeći but polako pečen , grilovano povrće i pesto od nane i uživanje može da počne. Obično je vo nedeljni ručak , pa se može na miru posvetiti istom. Ja sam za pesto koristila pinjole ali se mogu korisstiti i orasi ili bademi.


1.5  do 2 kg jagnjećeg buta
2 šargarepe
4 paprike
1 ceo beli luk
1 cvekla
500 g bundeve
2 čili papričice
500 g batata
1/2 većeg crvenog luka
rukohvat ruzmarina
so i biber po ukusu
1/2 šolje bistre govedje supe


1 šolja sveže nane
1 šolja svežeg peršuna
1/4 šolje proprženih pinjola
1/4 kašičice soli
1 Kašika soka od limete
1/4 šolje maslinovog ulja
so po ukusu


Jagnjetinu posolimo  i pobiberimo.  U tepsiju sipamo ulje , stavimo jagnjetinu i rukohvat ruzmarina na nju. Pečemo desetak minuta sa jedne i desetak minuta sa druge strane.

U medjuvremenu oljustimo batat i isečemo ostalo povrće
Posle 20 minuta poredjamo povrće pored , pečemo oko 10 minuta, pa zalijemo bistrom govedjom supom. Stavimo srebrnu foliju preko svega , pa sve pečemo 120 minuta na 150 stepeni Celzija

Dok se meso peče pripremimo Pesto

Propržimo pinjole par minuta
Očistimo listove nane i peršuna i očistimo beli luk
Sipamo sve u blender, dodamo sok od limete,i ulje. Posolimo i pobiberimo po ukusu

U blender sipamo sve sastojke i blendiramo dok dobijemo galtku masu a još po koja pinjola je samo izmrvljena.


Leg of Lamb , roasted veges and mint pesto

Slow roasted leg of lamb, grilled veges and fantastic pesto are ideal ingredients for  lunch on Sunday, when whole Family is at home and it can slowly be enjoyed. For pesto I have used pine nuts, other probably cheaper option, but not less tasty , would be walnuts or almonds.


1.5 to 2 kg Leg of lamb

2 carrots

4 peppers

1 whole garlic

1 beetroot

500 g of pumpkin

2 chilli peppers

500 g sweet potatoes

1/2  large red onion

 pepper and salt to taste
small hand of fresh rosemary


Rub salt and pepper on the lamb
Put some oil in baking pan and lamb into it. Put rosemary on top
Bake 10 minutes on each side
Take it out and arrange peeled and cut vegetable around it. Bake for another 10 minutes, than pour clear stock over it  and cover with silver foil
Slow roast on 150 Degrees Celsius for approx 120 minutes, depending how well done you like lambs meat.


  • 1 packed cup mint leaves
  • 1 packed cup parsley leaves, without stalks
  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled
  • ¼ cup toasted pine nuts
  • 1 Tablespoon lime juice
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
  • ground black pepper, to taste

Purée together mint leaves, parsley, t, garlic, toasted pine nuts or almonds, salt,lime juice and olive oil until smooth. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste. Keeps up to 2 weeks in the fridge (cover the top with a layer of oil).

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