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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

субота, 10. децембар 2016.

Filo korice punjene višnjom, bademima i orasima* Filo pastry filled with cherries, almonds and walnut

Scroll down for recipe in English

Ovu poslastcu sam probala pre dosta godina, putujuči kroz Evropu. U Poljskoj, tačnije. U originalu je punjena sa marcipanom, i višnjama. Kako ja nisam imala marcipan, a ni vremena da ga napravim, koristila sam mlevene pržene bademe i orahe. Skoro pa isto.


12 tankih kora za pite
250 g džema sa visnjama ( koje još imaju krupne višnje unutra, nešto izmedju džema i slatka od višanja)
100 g oraha
100 g badema

100g otopljenog putera, za premazivanje kora
50 g šećera u prahu , za posipanje


Predgrejemo rernu na 190 stepeni C
U plitkom plehu , počnemo da redjamo kore . Za dno 3 komada , tako što svaki komad dobro premažemo puterom.
Pospemo mešavinom badema i oraha, koje smo samleli sitno.
Pa onda dve kore opet pojedinačno premazane puterom. Na to sipamo džem.
Ponavljamo sve dok ne istrošimo kore , orahe, bademe, pa džem.
Poslednje 3 kore ne filujemo , već samo premažemo puterom

Pečemo 20 minuta
Ostavimo da se prohladi pa po želji , pospemo šećerom u prahu


Filo pastry filled with cherries, almonds and walnuts

I first time tried this pastry , during my travels in Europe. in Polland. Original recipe asks for marzipan which I did not have, nor had time to make it. I substituted it with walnuts and almonds. Almost the same.


12 sheets of filo pastry
250 g jar of cherry jam (one that still has big pieces or whole cherries in it
100 g walnuts
100g almonds
100 g melted butter for brushing filo
50 g of icing sugar


Preheat oven to 190 Degrees C
Start by layering 3 sheets of filo, individualy and wel butter brushed, on the bottom
Spread some almond and walnut grind mixture
Proceed with 2 filo sheets brushing each.
Spread cherrie jam
Alternate this till u have used all filling.
Top are  butter brushed 3 layers of filo, without filling

Bake for 20 minutes and when somewhat cooled down, sprinkle with icing sugar , if you like

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