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Sugar and spice and all things without price
27 Pageviews
Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

петак, 9. децембар 2016.

Crveni somotni Kolač, Svemirko* Red velvet Cake, Space

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Za ovo vam je potrebna ovakva tepsija koja ima ove udubljene krugove na dnu.
Onda možete dekorisati po želji, ja sam pravialaSvemirka.


Za testo

2 1/2 šolje brašna
1 kašičica sode bikarbone
1 kašičica kakao
1/2 šolja šećera
3 jaja
1 1/2 šolja istopljenog putera
4 Kašike crvene farbe za kuvanje
1 kašičica vanila ekstrakta
1 šolja mlaćenice ( ili mleko pomešano sa jogurtom)


1 šolja krem sira
3 šolje šečera u prahu
1/2 šolje omekšanog putera
žuta i plava boja za kuvanje


Predgrejemo rernu na 180 stepeni C.
Prosejemo u činiju sve suve sastojke
Izmutimo šećer i jaja pa dodamo sve ostale sastojke
Pečemo u okrugloj tepsiji, koju sam gore opisala, oko 35 minuta
Ostavimo da se potpuno ohladi

U medjuvremenu pripremimo fil, tako što sve sastojke umutimo u glatku masu.
Nekoliko kašika odvojimo i time premažemo izmedju krugova na vrhu i napravimo sa strane nekoliko zvezda.
Oko 2 kašike fila obojimo sa žutom bojom pa sa tim filom napunimo krug, koji je malo dublji
Ostatak obojimo plavom bojom pa premažemo kolač.
Za dekoraciju koristimo čokoladne okrugle bombone i crvene ili koje već imate


Red Velvet Cake, Space

For this cake you need baking pan with bottom that has circles like on the pic.
You can decorate as you wish, I made it like Space



2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cocoa
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup melted butter
4 Tablespoons red food colour
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup buttermilk ( or yoghurt mixed with milk


1 cup of cream cheese
3 cups icing sugar
1/2 cup soft butter
Yellow and blue food colour


Preheat oven to 180°C.
Sift all dry ingredients (up to cocoa) into a bowl.
Beat sugar and eggs together then incorporate all the other wet ingredients. 
Combine wet and dry ingredients together until smooth, you can use a kitchen aid or an electric mixer to make it easier.
Place in a round medium sized cake tin and bake for about 25 to 30 minutes (until a toothpick inserted in middle of cake comes out clean). Let it cool completely (this may take an hour).

While cake is cooling make up the icing.
Add all the icing ingredients together and beat until thick and creamy. 
2 Tablespoons of white icing , add yellow colour and put in the middle round opening. Pipe a few yellow spots as stars
On the white lines on top spread some of the white icing
Colour remaining icing with blue ( few drops) and spread over rest of the cake


I used chocolate round balls and jaffa 

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