
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

уторак, 19. април 2016.

Malfouf,Sarmice na palestinski način, Malfouf Palestinian cabbage rolls

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Naravno sarma je najbolja na srpski način. Ali čisto iz radoznalosti , zagledala sam okolo i recepte sa punjenim kupusovim listovima i baš sam se iznenadila koliko raznih zemalja to pravi, Manje, više slično kao mi  i večinom sa mesom i pirinčem. Ovaj palestinski recept me zaintrigirao zbog količine belog luka i limuna.

Da vam kažem zaista nije loša ova sarmica



1 mala glavica kupusa, vrstu izbirajte vi ili  pola glavice ako imate veliki kupus.

Listove prvo odvojimo (ja sam celu polovinu obarila pa to onda uradila
Isečemo koren


1 šolja pirinča
300 g govedjeg mlevenog mesa
10 čenova belog luka, iseckanog
2 limuna, sok
2 kašike allspice (mešavina koju ja imam gotovu a dole dajem sastojke ako sami pravite)
3 Kašike paradajz pirea
1 kašičica krupne morske soli
1/2 kašičice bibera
3 Kašike maslinovog ulja
1/2 l bistre supe da prekrije sarmice


Skuvamo i ocedimo pirinač
Propržimo meso i dodamo skuvani pirinač.
Dodamo sve začine i izmešamo

Obarene i očišćene listove kupusa  punimo sa oko 1 Kašikom te mešavine.
Čvrsto uvijamo kao cigaru.
Redjamo u vatrostalnu činiju. Pospemo iseckanim belim lukom. Uspemo paradajz pire i bistru supu. Dodamo ocedjeni limun
Stavimo u rernu da se zapeče na jako niskoj temperaturi  sat vremena. Ako sarmice nisu sasvim pod bistrom supom , možete dodati malo vode

Služi se uz jogurt i neki hrskavi hleb

* Allspice začin se sastoji od : 1/2 kašičice cimeta, 1/ 4 kašičice oraščića, 1/4 kašičice karanfiliča u prahu


Malfouf, or Cabbage Rolls

Cabbage rolls are very popular in my country and although I tried many other recipes that ONE remains our favorite.
When I was researching how those cabbage rolls are done in other countries , I was surprised how many countries have this or similar dish. It always only varies in spices, but always has mince meat of some kind and rice. 
This recipe seemed interesting because of use of lemon juice and amount of garlic. I can only say, yes it was different, but still delicious!


1 small cabbage or half of big cabbage.Choose cabbage variaty that you like, I used green cabbage.

1 cup rice
300 g minced beef
2 tsp ground allspice
11/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
3 tbsp olive oil
10 or so cloves of garlic, crushed
Seasoned stock or water, enough to cover the cabbage
3 TBS tomato puree (optional)
A couple of lemons


Prepare the leaves:

The goal here is to remove all of your cabbage leaves, and to cook them until they are tender, flexible and become translucent.  The outer leaves of cabbages are darker colored leaves, and they are tough and require longer cook times, while the inner cabbage leaves are paler and more tender. I had half of cabbage and boiled it first and than cleaned roots and separated leaves.

1.  Remove outer leaves of your cabbage.  Bring a very large pot of water up to a boil, and carefully submerge your cabbage.  Once the outer leaves soften enough, remove them with a pair of kitchen shears or a sharp knife.  Set aside.  Return your cabbage to the boiling water, and repeat process until your cabbage leaves are all removed. 

2.  Cut out the central rib out of each leaf.  Then cut each cabbage leaf into sections.  If the leaf is large, cut it into 3-4 sections.  If the leaf is small, cut it in half.  Save any cabbage remnants to sauté for a tasty side dish for another night of the week.

NOTE:  If your cabbage leaves are loosely furled and fairly tender (you will know this because your cabbage with be very pale in color, almost white), then you may be able to skip the next step.  Your goal is for the leaves to be translucent and tender enough to roll, but not cooked so much that they fall apart.  

3.  Sort your leaves by color - make a stack of dark, medium and pale leaves.  Bring your water back to a boil and boil each stack until leaves are starting to turn translucent and are tender enough to roll.  Dark leaves may take 10 minutes to boil, and the palest leaves may only take 1-2 minutes.  Remove leaves with tongs.

Stuff and cook the rolls:

1.  In a bowl, mix together the ingredients for you stuffing.

2.  At a table, set out a large cutting board or platter for rolling, your stack of cabbage leaves, your bowl of stuffing, and a large pot, greased with a little olive oil on the bottom.  Start with your darkest leaves, as they will be on the bottom of your pot and will cook the most thoroughly.  Place about one tablespoon (less for smaller rolls) of filling onto a cabbage leaf, and mold it into a long, cigarette shape.  Roll your cabbage leaves tightly, and place onto the bottom of your pan.  Continue rolling, packing in your cabbage rolls onto the bottom of your pot as tightly as possible.  When you have completed one layer, scatter in cloves of garlic.  Then continue to build layers of cabbage rolls, scattering in garlic as you go.

3.  Pour some well seasoned broth (lamb or beef would be delicious, but any broth will do, mixed with tomato puree, (if using) over the cabbage, filling just to the top layer of cabbage rolls. Add juice of lemons.  Place a plate on top of your cabbage rolls, then cover with a lid.

4.  Bring to a boil and then simmer on very low heat for about an hour, until cabbage leaves are tender and cooked.  If the top layer of rolls isn't fully submerged, add a little water or consider flipping them one at a time so that they cook thoroughly.  

Serve with the garlicky, lemony broth over top, and serve with a bowl of plain, whole yogurt and a little Arabic bread.

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