
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

субота, 16. април 2016.

Dimljena riba u woku * Smoking fish in a wok

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Dimljena riba je odavno bio naćin da se riba pripremi i sačuva.
Danas na tržištu je ima svakojake , kao što ima i mnogo vrsta posuda za dimljenje.
Ja smatram to nepotrebnom investicijom, jer to možete i sami, ako imate wok, koji nema teflonsko dno , a ima dobar poklopac, uraditi sami

Osim ribu na opisani način možete  dimiti i sir, razne vrste i delove živine, i razne vrste mesa.

Ne morate uvek koristiti piljevinu , koja inače treba da bude od trvrde vrste drveta.To može da se uradi i na belom nekuvanom pirinču a začini koje dodajete zavise od toga šta dimite.

Sa malo truda i za 30 minuta možete poslužiti ovo kao predjelo, uz dobru ćašu belog vina i krekere.

Samo još da napomenem da dimljenu ribu i pre i posle jela morate čuvati u frižideru


1 wok sa poklopcem
Srebrna folija
200 g piljevine .Ja sam koristila piljevinu manuke.
 timijan , svež ili sušen
listovi crnog čaja
3 Kašike meda , sa kojim utrljamo ribu
Krupna morska so i biber, po ukusu


Prekrijemo dno woka srebrnom folijom ,sipamo piljevinu i dodamo začine . Na to stavimo đicu , poklopimo i stavimo na ringlu. Gas će posao obaviti brže, ako imate. Posle 10 minuta na srednjoj temperaturi videćete da se u woku stvara dim.

Otvorite ga i malo namastite žicu, da se riba ne bi zalepila.
Ribu posolimo i pobiberimo. Utrljamo medom

Stavite ribu na žicu i poklopite. Sada ceo wok obložite srebrnom folijom i vratote na šporet. Dimite još 15 minuta. Preporučujem da ako imate ventilator nad šporetom uključite i možda otvorite kuhinjski prozor.

Posle 15 minuta sklonite wok ali ne otvarajte ga , još jedno 15 minuta.

Bićete iznenadjeni ukusom
Služite uz domaće krekere i belo vino


Smoking fish in a wok

Smoking fish is ancient way of preserving fish. There are many kind of smokers in the market. For the home cook an investment that does not have to be. If you have a wok and other simple ingredients that are needed you will have the tastiest food on your plate.

First, a disclaimer: This smoking method may be delicious, but it will not preserve the fish. It still needs to be refrigerated to prevent health risks.If you do not have a wok, u can use any deep enough pot , preferably without non stick bot

Fish fillets. I used Kawai as it is what was caught and also it is very suitable fish for smoking
1 wok
250 g wood chips, I used manuka but other sorts of wooden chips are suitable too as long as they are from hard wood and fine enough to smoke easier
silver foil
Herbs : thyme , dry or fresh,  leaves of dark teas,  course sea salt, ground white pepper
Liquid honey to rub fish, alternative would be brown sugar


Cover the bottom of your wok with silverfoil
Add wooden chips and herbs you are using
Put the lid on and put on the stove. Gas stove will get the quickest result
On medium let the wood produce smoke. Put a rack on top  and spray with a little oil , so the fish does not stick to it.
Rub fish wit honez, salt and pepper
Put fish on it and cover with lid.
Put the foil all around the lid.
Put back on the stove and let it smoke for about 15 minutes on medium.
Turn the stove off and let fish in the wok another 15 minutes.
If your fillets have bones and skin, remove those first
Can be eaten straight away .If eating later,  wrap it and keep in the fridge

Using same method you can smoke poultry, cheese and any other piece of meat you like.
You can also instead of wooden chips add uncooked jasmin rice and herbs of your liking. For instance smoked   duck breast would be fantastic with orange peel.

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