
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

уторак, 15. март 2016.

Patin petnaestii: Koh od Griza * Semolina cake with raspberry Sauce

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Kad sam prvi put ugledala Patin kuvar bila sam oduševljena.Odmah na početku igrice ,koju je organizovala Mimi sa  bloga  Mimis Kingdom, može se to oduševljenje i primetiti u komentarima. Bilo je to sad već davne 2014 godine. Od tada sam povremeno pratila divne recepte koje su koleginice blogerke postavljale, divila im se ali sama nikad nisam učestvovala do sada. Razlog je nedostatak vremena . 
Evo draga Mimi ispunjavam obećanje , što mogu ti reći sa ovim receptom i nije bilo teško , jer su svi radosno čekali krajnji rezultat .Koh svi volimo ali totalno bude drugačiji od ovoga..što ne znači da i ovaj nismo pojeli
u slast


Skuvati s malo masla i šipkom vanile litar mleka. Kad mleko provri, pažljivo i tankim mlazem sipati u njega jednu šolju za belu kafu griza, neprestano mešajući da griz ne bi zagoreo i da se ne bi zgrudvao. Mešati tako dok griz ne bude potpuno skuvan. Skinuti ga sa štednjaka i ostaviti da se hladi, a za to vreme u jednoj zdeli izmešati 3 žumanceta s 3 velike kašike kristal-šećera. Zatim napraviti sneg od 3 belanceta, ostrugati koru od celog limuna i sve to umešati u rashlađeni gusti griz. Namazati kalup dobro maslom, posuti ga tucanom zemičkom, usuti masu od griza i četvrt sata pred ručak peći u pećnici (rerni). Koh se ne sme vaditi iz pećnice pre nego što bude vreme da se iznese na sto, jer može lako da spadne. Pažljivo ga izručiti na staklenu zdelu, preliti ga prelivom od vanile i mleka ili soka od malina.


Semolina Cake with raspberry topping

This is a game that we food bloggers play. Idea is to cook every month something from Cookbook called Patin Cookbook a very old collection of Recipes. Game was introduced by Mimi from the blog 
Mimis Kingdom and it is a great fun. Every month a new recipe is chosen and bloggers make something from it. Although the recipe must be followed as it is in the book some amazing creations come out from it.
All that take part publish it on the same day on the 15th of the months.Which is today.

The game started in 2014 and I really liked the idea but this is my first contribution.
And I could not have chosen better one.It is very nice soft and tasty cake.

Pata the author of the cookbook , did not describe recipes as we now do, so I am just translating the original one.


Cook with a little butter and vanilla bean, in milk. When the milk boils, carefully  pour one cup semolina, stirring constantly to to prevent burning and lumps. Stir until the semolina is fully cooked. Remove it from the heat and leave to cool, and during that time in one bowl, mix 3 egg yolks with 3 tablespoons granulated sugar. Then beat stiff  3 egg whites, scrape the rind from the whole lemon and add it. Grease with butter baking dish,  pour the mixture of of semolina and quarter of an hour before lunch, bake in the oven . Cake should not be taken out of the oven before it is time to bring to the table, because  it can sink in if done earlier Carefully turn over the plate, pour the sauce  of vanilla and milk or juice of raspberry.

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