
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

петак, 19. фебруар 2016.

Bela Lasanja * White Lasagna

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Lasanja se baš često pravi kod mene. I jutros želja da je opet pravim. Oeps, nema mlevenog mesa. nemam ni gotove kore za lasanju, a obećala sam . Potražim šta bi drugo.Eureka! Bela lasanja. Sa pilećim mesom, Alfredo sosom i lasanja testo, napraviću sama.  Pa stvarno kako to ranije nisam uradila. Mnogo dobra stvar. I tako želja ispunjena, nova varijacija lasanje u jelovniku i svi zadovoljni. Znači ovoga puta i prvi put, pravimo lasanja testo, ručno
Ja imam mašinu za pastu, koju sam dobila davno na poklon i još je u kutiji, pa nemam vremena sad da je sklapam i proučavam kako. Zasučemo rukave ! Meseći testo..uzdah: Eh što nemam mišiće kao italijanska mama:)


400 g brašna tipa 00 ili griz brašno
4 jaja
1 Kašika maslinovog ulja
1/2 kašičice soli


1.Stavite brašno na dnu široke , plitke činije
2. Napravimo rupu u sredini brašna .
3. Razbijemo jaja u nju
4. Dodati so i maslinovo ulje 
5. Koristeći veliku viljušku , pažljivo umutiti jaja, so i maslinovo ulje dok se sve kombinuje i mešavina je glatka , ujednačena  
6. Tokom ovog dela procesa vaš cilj je samo da umutite jaja , ne mešate brašno 
7.Kada su jaja umućena,  možete početi da ih umešate u brašno . To radite viljuškom,  malo po malo . Strpljenje je veoma važno u ovoj fazi kao jedan od najvažnijih stvari u vezi izrade testenina,da vam testo bude izjednačeno
Mešavina će postati sve tvrdja kako se  brašno  apsorbuje. Testo će vremenom postati tako tvrdo da nećete moći da koristite viljušku..
8. Preostali deo uradite sa rukama
9. Izvadite testo na malo pobrašnanu radnu površinu i mesite pet minuta. Testo će se osećati lepljivo u početku, ali ovo bi trebalo da nestane tokom mešenja. Ako se testo ostane lepljiv samo pospite sa malo dodatnog brašna .
10. Vaš cilj je da dobijete testo koje je tvrdo ali se može rfazvuči., . Možete  proveriti tako što malo prstima pritisnete na testo. Ako se vrati onda jee gotovo.
11, Zamotajte u plastičnu foliju i odložite ga sa strane za 15 minuta. Možete ga staviti u frižider tokom ovog vremena, ali to nije apsolutno neophodno. To je period kada odmara

Rolamo testo

Sada dolazi deo  za koji  ste verovatno uvek mislili da vam treba jedna od onih fensi testenina mašine  . Sve što je potrebno je velika površina , oklagija  i oštar nož .
Odmotajte svoju loptu testa , i počnite da ga razvijate.  na blago pobrašnjanoj radnoj površini.Povremeno testo okrečemo.
Nastavimo , dok testo bude oko 2 - 3 mm debljine . Ne žurite, budite strpljivi da dobijete ujednačenu debljinu na celom testu.
Sečemo veličinu koja odgovara našem plehu .Ne treba se kuvati.

Šta smo uradili sa ostatkom testa koje smo odsecali praveci lasanja listove.
Iseckali smo u tanke rezance, za supu ili kao uske tagliatele.

Sada predjemo na Alfredo sos


100 g putera
1 šolja pavlake
so i sveže mleven crni biber
2 šolje rendanog parmezana


U manjoj šerpici otopimo puter, pa dodamo ostale sastojke i mešamo dok se sve lepo ne sjedini

Sastojci za fil

500 g pilećeg mesa , bez koske, isečenog na sitnije komade
500 g spanaća ( može i smrznut)
Ja sam koristila vrstu  Cavalo Nero  koga imam dosta u bašti.Jedna vrsta livadskog kupusa j . Imam spanas zamrznut ali to čuvam za zimu. Ova vrsta kupusarke je vrlo ukusna i pogodna .
250 gkisele pavlake
2 jaja
3/4 kašičice oregana
1 šolja mocarele
1/4 kašičice rendanog oraščića
1/4 kašičice belog luka u prahu ( može naravno i sveže iseckan)

Umutimo jaja.
Dodamo pavlaku
Dodamo sve ostale sastojke
Spojimo mešanjem

Cavalo Nero očistimo od drške i srednjeg tvrdog dela pa sasvim kratko izdinstamo

Lasanja , slažemo

Premažemo 3/4 šolje Alfredo sosa u nepodmazanu 13 x 9 vatrostalnu posudu ; Prekrijemo sa 3 lazanja lista ( unakrsnih ) .
Premažemo sa 1/3 fila mešavine ;  Posle redjanja druge ture lažanja listova, sipamo komade pilećeg mesa koje smo takodje prethodno malo propržili. Ponavljamo nanošenje dva puta sa listovima i filom , zaključno sa lasanja listovima.
Sipamo Alfredo sos preko svega
Pospite mocarela sirom.
Pokrijte folijom i pecite 45 minuta ; uklonite foliju i pecite još 10 minuta .
Ukoliko se želi , postavi lazanje pod gril tokom 2 minuta da porumene
Neka odstoji 10 minuta pre služenja , Pospite  sa malo svežeg peršuna 

White Lasagna

I can not believe that I never made White lasagna before. It was born out of need to fulfill kids wish to have lasagna for dinner. After discovering there is no mince, no lasagna sheets , I decided to make everything from scratch. I do have pasta making machine , which I got some years ago from a friend but never unpacked it and certainly was not about to do it this time. Just rolled my sleeves up. It i easy as. If you exercise patience , you will as we did enjjoy this dish very much.You do not have to have mussels as Italian mama either.Well a little bit maybe.

Ingredients for pasta dough
  • 400 grams of Tipo 00 or semolina flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (optional)
  • ½ a teaspoon of salt
  1. Place the flour in the bottom of a wide, shallow mixing bowl.
  2. Form a deep well in the middle of the flour.
  3. Crack your eggs into this well.
  4. Add the salt and the olive oil to the eggs.
  5. Using a large fork, carefully whisk the eggs, salt and olive oil together until they are all combined and the mixture is a smooth, uniform colour. During this part of the process your aim is just to mix the eggs, not to mix in any of the flour. In effect, the flour is just acting as a container for the egg mixture.
  6. Once the eggs are thoroughly combined you can start to mix in the flour. Do this by slightly widening the strokes of your fork so that the flour begins to be drawn into the egg mix little by little. Patience is very important during this stage as one of the most important things about making pasta is achieving an absolutely uniform consistency.
  7. Continue to work the flour into the egg. The mixture will become increasingly stiff as more and more flour is absorbed. You’ll eventually reach a point where almost all the flour is blended and the mix is so stiff you can’t effectively use your fork anymore.
  8. Put your fork aside and work the remaining flour into the dough with your hands.
  9. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for five minutes. The dough will feel tacky at first but this should disappear as you knead. If the dough remains tacky just sprinkle it with a little extra flour during the kneading process.
  10. Your aim is to achieve a dough that is firm but still tender. You can tell when you’ve got to this stage by forming the dough into a  ball and pressing it quickly with your fingers – if the dough springs back a little it’s the right consistency.
  11. Wrap your dough in cling film and set it aside for 15 minutes. You can put it in the fridge during this time, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. It’s the resting period that’s important, not the temperature.

Rolling Out the Pasta

Now comes the part that you probably always thought you needed one of those fancy pasta machines for. All you really need is a large surface, a rolling pin (the heavier the better) and a sharp knife.
Unwrap your ball of dough, place it on a lightly floured surface and begin to roll it out into a wide disk with your rolling pin. Roll the pin away from you to stretch the dough in one direction, then turn the dough 90˚ and roll again.
By repeating this process over and over you’ll form a nicely shaped disk of dough. Keep rolling until the dough is about 2 – 3 mm thick. Take your time, be patient and make sure you get an even thickness all over (very important).

From the offcuts of dough, I cut  it thin either for soup or thin pasta for some dish

Alfredo Sauce

Alfredo Sauce

1 stick butter
1 cup heavy cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 cups freshly grated Parmesan


In a saucepan or skillet, warm the butter and cream. Season with salt and pepper. Add the Parmesan and stir until melted.

For Lasagna filling

500 g boneless chicken, cut in cubes
500 g spinach (frozen is ok)
I'have used Cavalo Nero, which I have in the garden and is suitable for this dish,. I have frozen spinach but want to to keep for the winter. This type from Cabbage Family is very tasty and convenient.
250 g sour cream
2 eggs
3/4 teaspoon oregano
1 cup mozzarella
1/4 teaspoon  grated nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder (can be fresh chopped)
1  cup cream


Beat the eggs
Add cream
Add all other ingredients
You can after cleanig stems and hard middle bit , saute Cavalo Nero a little.
Combine well and done

  1. Assembly
  2. Spread 3/4 cup Alfredo sauce in ungreased 13 X 9 baking dish; top with 3  lasagna sheets (crosswise).
  3. Spread with 1/3 of sour cream mixture.
  4. Afte ryou put second lazer of lasagan sheets spread your chcicken pieces , whuch you can fry a little before that , If you wish
  5. Repeat layering twice with sheets of lasagna and sour cream mixture, ending with lasagna sheets
  6. Pour remaining Alfredo sauce over pasta.
  7. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.
  8. Cover with foil and bake 45 minutes; remove foil and bake another 10 minutes.
  9. If desired, place lasagna under broiler for 2 minutes to brown cheese.
  10. Let sit for 10 minutes before serving, Can sprinkle some fresh cut parsley on top

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