
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

недеља, 8. јул 2018.

Zamotuljko * Roller

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ovo je jedno bzyo predjelo koje će izgledom i ukusom oduševiti vaše goste


2 kore za pitu
1 sir koji se topi * ja sam koristila Brie
4 viršle
2 Kašike susama
1 žumance za premazivanje


Napravimo 2 kruga od kora prećnika 23cm

U sredinu stavimo okrugao sir pa oko njega na koru stavimo pek papir
Isečemo viršle na komade (11 komada).
Prekrijemo sve drugom korom i  sečemo trouglove ne sasvim do sira, stavljanjamo viršle i rolamo.

 Odstranimo pek papir.
Pa ponovimo sve sa donjom korom.
Sve premažemo umućenim žumancem i pospemo susamom.

Pečemo 20 minuta na 200 stepeni Celzija.

Kada je zamotuljko ispečen odsečemo vrh iznad sira koji se fino rastopio.

Svako uzima po jedan komad i umače u sir. Uživanje i začas je nestalo.


Quick tasty and interesting appetizer that your guests will love.


2 sheets of Filo Pastry
1 Brie
4 pieces of Frankfurters
1 egg yolk
2 Tablespoons of sesame seeds


Make 2 circles diameter 23 cm
Put the cheese in the middle

Put baking paper around the cheese and put another filo circle on top.
Cut triangles but not all the way.
Put a piece of frankfurter that you have cut at the end. Roll each triangle.

Repeat cutting triangles on the first filo, putting frankfurter piece at the end and rolling. Remove baking paper.
Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Bake 20 minutes at 200 Degrees Celsius.

When Roller is ready cut filo above the cheese. Each guest can take a rolled piece and dip it into melted cheese.

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