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Možda ste primetili da sam u poslednje vreme pripremila više recepta iz Bosanske kuhinje. Razlog tome je što sam dobila Bosanski Kuvar i neka jela i poslastice su me posebno zainteresovale. Ova jdesert je jako lako napraviti , najveći posao ako se tako može nazvati, je napraviti puding od čokolade. Krajnji rezultat nije samo ukusna poslastica, već i jako dekorativno izgleda kad je poslužite.
- 1 litar mleka
- 150 grama šećera
- 100 grama gustina
- 70 grama brašna
- 30 grama kakaoa
- 250 ml slatke pavlake
- 200 grama kokosa
- 50 gr putera
Preostalo mleko staviti da provri.
Kad mleko provri zakuvati smesu i mešati.
Prvo je retka, pa ima malo grudvica, pa se stegne i grudvice nestanu.
Skloniti sa vatre i dodati puter pa mešati dok semasa ne sjedini.
Šarajte svuda, po celoj tepsiji, da što manje razvlačite.
Kada uspete i razvučete ravnomerno svuda ostavite da se ohladi, pa stavite 30 minuta u frižider.
Isecite u štrafte i uvijajte do pola štrafte.
Uvijete u krug, pa presečete.
Desnom rukom držite a levom nožem presečete.
Svaku sarmu još malo uvaljati u kokos koji je ispod i posuti još sa tim kokosom.
Pasha Locum
Maybe you noticed I have made lately few dishes with Bosnian online. Reason being that I got Bosnian Cookbook gifted to me and I liked some of the Recipes, which I will be sharing with you. This dessert is very easy to make and is not only tasty but looks great when you served it.
1 l milk
150 g sugar
100 g cornflour
70 g flour
50 g butter
30 g cocoa
250 ml cream
200 g shredded coconut
First, mix all dry ingredients and add little milk.
Boil the rest of the milk and when boiling, slowly add dry ingredients. Mix while cooking and till your pudding is smooth.
In the meantime use your baking dish (flat) and spread coconut evenly.
When the pudding is done pour it evenly over coconut and with a spatula slowly even it.
Let it cool down on the kitchen bench and after put it in the fridge for approx 30 minutes.
Take out of the fridge and cut lengthwise lines about 6 cm wide. Carefully roll the mixture. Sprinkle with some more coconut and serve
Pasha Locum
Maybe you noticed I have made lately few dishes with Bosnian online. Reason being that I got Bosnian Cookbook gifted to me and I liked some of the Recipes, which I will be sharing with you. This dessert is very easy to make and is not only tasty but looks great when you served it.
1 l milk
150 g sugar
100 g cornflour
70 g flour
50 g butter
30 g cocoa
250 ml cream
200 g shredded coconut
First, mix all dry ingredients and add little milk.
Boil the rest of the milk and when boiling, slowly add dry ingredients. Mix while cooking and till your pudding is smooth.
In the meantime use your baking dish (flat) and spread coconut evenly.
When the pudding is done pour it evenly over coconut and with a spatula slowly even it.
Let it cool down on the kitchen bench and after put it in the fridge for approx 30 minutes.
Take out of the fridge and cut lengthwise lines about 6 cm wide. Carefully roll the mixture. Sprinkle with some more coconut and serve
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