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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

недеља, 2. октобар 2016.

Gyoza , Japanske knedle * Gyoza, Japanese dumplings

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Nemojte da vas ime prepadne. Ove fine knedlice, punjene raznim filovima su zaista lake za napraviti a ukus je divan.
Za one koji ne mogu nabaviti gotovo testo sledi i recept kako ga sami možete napraviti.

Ja obično napravim više nego što pojedemo pa ostatak (nepržene ali filovane) zamrznem.



1 šolja kupusa izrezanog na tanke rezance
400 g svinjskog mlevenog mesa
2 čena luka
2 Kašike kineskog belog luka ili može se zameniti sa mladim zelenim lukom, sitno iseckano
1 parče djumbira , veličine palca, izrendano
1 Kašika ulja od susama
1 Kašika soja sosa
so i biber, po ukusu
30 komada testa


1/3 šolje Terijaki sosa
1 Kašika ulja od susama


1 1/2 šolja brašna
1/2 šolje vruće vode
Malo gustina , za posipanje radne površine



Dodamo svinjsko meso. Sada rukom sve dobro izmešamo. Ostavimo pokriveno u frižideru da stoji oko 30 minuta.

 Na polovinu testa stavljamo  1 Kašiku fila . prethodno smo ivice testa premazali vodom. Preklopimo. pa krajeve zatvaramo u obliku harmonike.

Zagrejemo ulje dodamo malo susamovog ulja i vode oko 2 cm. Stavimo knedle u tiganj, poklopimo i na srednjoj temperaturi, krčkamo dok voda ne ispari.
Zatim izvadimo knedle , pa dobro zagrejemo tiganj i na malo ulja propržimo knedle 2 do 3 minuta i to samo sa jedne strane.

Služimo uz sos, salatu od kupusa ili naseckani mladi luk.

Testo, priprema

Stavimo brašno u činiju pa u sredinu, polako usipamo vodu . Mešamo rukom , dok dobijemo loptu testa, koju zatim ostavimo da odmori pola sata do sat vremena

Testo će biti srednje čvrsto ali ne lepljivo.
Izvadimo testo na radnu površinu , pa oklagijom izrolamo tanko 1 do 3 mm max.
Možemo većom čašom vaditi krugove.


Goyza , Japanese Dumplings

The name might be difficult, but every of these little jewels is worth the effort. It is made throughout Asia and can have different fillings. For the ones that can not find ready made dumpling sheets I included recipe to make it at home.


30 Gyoza wrappers
1 1/2 cup thinly sliced cabbage
Thumb piece of freshly grated ginger
2 cloves crushed garlic
Handfull of finely chopped Chinese chives
400 g pork mince
salt and pepper , to taste
1 Tablespoon sesame oil
1 Tablespoon Soy sauce


  1. Place mince, cabbage, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger and garlic in a bowl. Stir to combine. Place wrappers on work surface. Make dumplings: Spoon 1 heaped teaspoon mince mixture on 1 half of wrappers. Brush edges with cold water. Fold remaining wrapper halves over to enclose filling. Press edges together to seal.

  2. Heat half the vegetable oil in a large frypan over high heat. Remove from heat. Reduce heat to medium-high. Arrange half the dumplings in pan. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until bases are browned. Add 1/2 cup hot water. Cover with lid. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes, adding more water if necessary. Remove from heat. Uncover. Stand for 1 to 2 minutes or until dumplings come away from pan easily. Repeat with remaining oil and dumplings.

  3. Meanwhile, make dipping sauce Place teriyaki sauce and sesame oil in a bowl. Stir to combine. Serve dumplings with dipping sauce and onion.

Home made wrappers

  1. 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour [190g]
  2. 1/2 cup hot water, just boiled [118ml]
  3. cornstarch for dusting


  1. Place the flour in a mixing bowl and create a well in the center.
  2. Add the water slowly to the well while stirring to combine the flour and water gradually.
  3. Stir together until all the water is absorbed.
  4. With clean hands, gather the dough into a ball. Turn it on to a clean surface and knead for one minute. The dough should not stick; add a small amount of flour if necessary.
  5. Place the dough back into the bowl and cover with a plate or lid.
  6. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes to an hour.
  7. Divide the dough into managable pieces if you like. Dust the work surface with a little cornstarch if the dough sticks.
  8. Roll out the dough into a large flat piece, about 1-3 millimeters thick (1/32" to 1/16").
  9. Cut the dough into squares or use a cookie cutter or cup to cut out circles. The size is up to you but I like to make wrappers 3" to 4" wide.
  10. Remove the trim, knead it into a ball and place in the covered bowl for a few minutes. Then roll it out to create more wrappers.
  11. Dust the wrappers with cornstarch before stacking them up.
  12. Use right away or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.
  13. Dipping sauce

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