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понедељак, 5. децембар 2016.

Sladoled od breskve* Peach Icecream

Scroll down for recipe in English

Po sličnom receptu pravila sam već sladoled od avokada. Na tom blogu sam postavila i recept , kako sami možete napraviti kondenzovano mleko. I ovo se može lako napraviti od svakog voća. Sladoled je divno kremast i zaista lak za napraviti!
Ne treba vam nikakva mašina za sladoled, samo blender i friz

720 g breskvi iz konzerve ( sveže ovde tek treba da stignu)
200 ml kondenzovanog mleka
200 ml pavlake


Sve satojke stavimo u blender i izblendamo u galtku masu.
Obložimo sud u kome ćemo ostaviti sa se smrzne, plastičnom folijom, pa uspemo mešavinu

Ostavimo preko noći u friz

Izvadimo iz friza oko 15 minuta pre nego što čemo ga poslužiti


Peach Icecream

I used similar recipe in my avocado icecram. This can be used with any fruit you like. It is amazing tasty and smooth and creamy And above all you do not need any bulky icecream machine, just blender and freezer. I made avocado icecream which you can see on my blog. That post also has instructions how to make your own condense milk


720 g  canned peaches ( fresh not available yet, here)
200 ml sweet condensed milk
200 ml cream


Put all the ingredients in blender and mix into smooth mixture
In a vessel u are going to freeze it , put first plastic foil and than add mixture.

Freeze overnight
Take ice cream out about 15 minutes before serving

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