
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

субота, 29. октобар 2016.

Kolač sa paškanatom * Parsnip Cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Zadatak u igrici Ajme koliko nas je  bio : Paškanat. Inače ne učestvujem u ovoj igri, mada sporadično pratim recepte nekih blogera , koji učestvuju, ali ovoga meseca je domaćica Zoki, a njen blog obožavam i iako ga pratim, zamalo da ovo promašim. Moj prilog je Kolač sa paškanatom. Znam , malo neobično ali zašto da ne. Paškanat je baš slatkast, pa kao i šargarepa vrlo pogodan za kolače. Ja inače koristim paškanat vrlo često kao prilog , pire  ili grilovan . i naravno u krem čorbama. U pire obično dodam malo wasabija  ( japanskog ljutog rena).
Ovaj kolač mogu vam samo preporučiti!


175 g putera
250 g čećera
100 ml javorovog sirupa
3 velika jaja
250 g brašna
2 kašičice praška za pecivo
2 kašičice sode bikarbone
2 kašičice Najgvirca*
250 g paškanata, oljuštenog i izrendanog
1 jabuka, oljuštena i izrendana
1 mala pomorandža , rendana korica i sok
50 g izmrvljenih oraha
šećer u prahu , za posipanje


250 g creme fraiche ili mascarpone*
3 do 4  kašike javorovog sirupa


Predgrejemo rernu na 18o stepeni C.
U šerpici istopimo puter, sa šećerom i javorovim sirupom
Ostavimo da se malo ohladi, pa umiksamo jaja u to. Dodamo brašno, prašak za pecivo, sodu bikarbonui najgvirs,
Zatim rendan paškanat i jabuku, sok i koricu od pomorandže, i mrvljene orahe.

Pečemo 25 do 35 minuta ( zavisno od vašeg šporeta.
Ostavimo da  se malo ohladi u plehu pa izvadimo da se potpuno ohladi.

Presečemo na pola i filujemo sa filom, koji smo umutili od sastojaka. Ja nisam posipala šećerom u prahu, već sam i odozgo premazala fil i dodatno posula kospicama od nara. Ovo je opcionalno, ja sam ga imala da ga potrošim.


Parsnip Cake

Normaly I have no time to take part in Bloggers  Culinary games as mostly I run my own , regularly.

However when I saw that in this game called: Wow so many of us!, host is my favorite blogger Zoki
I decided to make this cake, as my contribution.
I know unusal, but if you think about it parsnip is sweet almost as carrot, so why not. Can only recomend it

  • 175 g butter , plus extra for greasing
  • 250 g  sugar
  • 100ml maple syrup
  • 3 large eggs
  • 250 g  flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp all spice*
  • 250 g parsnips , peeled and grated
  • 1 medium eating apple , peeled, cored and grated
  • 50 g walnut pieces
  • zest and juice 1 small orange
  • icing sugar, to serve

For the filling

  • 250g tub creme fraiche or mascarpone*
  • 3-4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 100 ml cream


Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease 23 cm tin and line the base with baking parchment. Melt butter, sugar and maple syrup in a pan over gentle heat, then cool slightly. Whisk the eggs into this mixture, then stir in the flour, baking powder,  baking soda and mixed spice, followed by the grated parsnip, apple, chopped walnuts, orange zest and juice.  Bake for 25-30 mins until the tops spring back when pressed lightly.

Cool the cake slightly in the tin before turning out onto wire rack to cool completely.  Cut in halfes. Just before serving, mix together the creme freshe and maple syrup. Spread over one half and sandwich with the other. Dust with icing sugar just before serving. I put the filling over the wholw cake and decorated it with pomegranate seeds

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