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Sugar and spice and all things without price

петак, 29. јануар 2016.

Vanilin kiflice - Vanille Kipferl

Ove fine hrskave kiflice potiču iz Austrije mada su  vrlo popularne  i u Nemčkoj. A i kod nas u kući su vrlo popularne.Ovo ej tipičan kolač koji se pravi za Božić.pa da ne pomislite d asam preuranila, mi ovde usred zime,koja je sad, slavimo još jednom Božić.
Običaj koji su Evropljani, ne mogavši se naviknuti da usred leta kad je vreme Božića slave,ustoličili..mada kako pristižu nove generacije ..i taj običaj se epolako gubi.

Kako bilo da  bilo, mi ga rado slavimo i zimi.

This nice crisp cookies originate in Austria but is made and eaten gladly also in Germany.Germany. Those are very popular in our household.Those are  typical made during Xmas celebrations.
Now do not conclude that I am rushing Xmas,but there   is a midwinter(which is now)  celebration of Xmas  in New Zealand. Installed.Installed by Europeans who could not  get used to celebrating Xmas during summer .With new generations ,this is gonna be less  and less.But for now we are gladly joining in

180 g putera
70 g mlevenih ljuštenih badema
50 g šećera
2 žumanca
210 g brašna

Zamesimo sve sastojke,zamotamo u plastičnu foliju i ostavimo da stoji oko sat vremena.
Zatim testo rolamo  do debljine od 1 cm.Isečemo  na male komade i oblikujemo kiflice
Pečemo na ravnom nemašćenom plehu na 200 stepeni Celzija, oko 10 minuta dok ne dobiju svetlo braon boju.
Još vruće ih sipamo u činiju u kojoj smo napravili  mix  od šećera u prahu i vanile

Ingredients:180 g butter
70 g of shelled and ground almonds
50 g sugar
2 egg yolks
210 g plain flour

How to make them:
Quickly mix all the ingredients to a short-crust dough and leave it in a cool place for one hour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm before cutting into small pieces and forming crescent-shaped cookies. Place the cookies on an ungreased baking tray and bake at a moderate temperature (200°C) for around ten minutes or until they turn a light brown colour. Mix icing sugar and vanilla sugar together, then toss the hot cookies in the mix.

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Kiflice obožavam. Izgledaju kao sto je moja baba pravila i sad moja majka sto pravi. Dali su od vanile ili pekmeza ili bilo šta drugo ja bi ih mogao jesti svaki dan:))) Vanilla cookies are the best:))

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