
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

четвртак, 21. август 2014.

Holandski kolač od jabuka -Traditional Dutch applecake

    Najbolji kolač od jabuka jela sam u Holandiji. I svaki put kad ga napravim podseti me na tj mali Cafe u Amsterdamskom predgradju u koje nisu dolazili turisti većsamo domaći okolni stanovnici.I kolač je sasvim bio domaći. Još malo vruć sa šlagom koji se topio pored nejga,mirisom jabuke i cimeta,rajski.

The best apple cake I have ever eaten in Holland. Everytime I make  it it reminds me of a little neighborhood Cafe .which was frequented by locals
I was still a  little bit warm with good dolop of cream which was melting on it.It reminds me of soothing smell of apple and exotic cinnamon.


300 g brašna
75 g šećera
200 g hladnog putera
naprstak soli
1 jaje
1 kg čvrstih jabuka, Elstar ili Jonagold
2 kašičice cimeta
malo džema od kajsija za glazuru
200 ml slatke pavlake

300 g flour
75 g sugar
200 g cold butter
pries salt
1 egg
1 kg of hard apples, Elstar or Jonagold
2 tsp of cinnamon
little apricot jam for the glaze
200 ml cream

30  minuta,pečemo 1 sat 8 do 12 komada

U činiju sipamo  prosejano brašno.šečer naprstak soli i puter  koji smo isekli na male kocke. Rukom mešamo testo dok ne dobijemo mrvice. Ulupamo jaje i dodamo u testo.Umesimo

3/4 testa sipamo u okrugli pleh i malo pritisnemo. Testo koje je u plehu i koje nam je preostalo stavimo u frižider.
Predgrejemo rernu na 175 stepeni Celzija.Oljuštimo jabuke i isečemo na komadiće.Sipamo malo  šećera i cimet i promešamo.
Jabuke sipamo na testo.Ostatak testa razvijemo i napravimo strafte .koje isečemo.Poredjamo ih preko jabuka da formiraju kocke.Premažemo umucenim jajetom ili mlekom

Pečemo minimalno jedan sat-Izvadimo iz rerne i premažemo podgrejanim džemom od jabuka.  Ostavimo u plehu da se hladi oko 10 minuta.Onda ga izvadimo iz pleha.

Serviramo sa šlagom

Bake 1 hour, 8 to 12 slices

1. In a bowl mix flour,sugar,salt and butter cut in pieces.Kneed with hands till you get crumbs.Mix one egg and add.Kneed your dough till it comes together.

2. 3/4 of the dough put in the springform and press on the bottom. Put the springform and rest of the dough in the fridge.

3. Preheat oven at 175 degrees Celsius. Peel the apples and cut in small pieces.Add little sugar and cinnamon
4. Pour apples on the dough. From the rest of the dough make lines about   2 cm long and put over the dough.Brush with egg wash or milk.

5. Bake for at least one hour. Take out of the oven and still while warm brush warmed up apricot jam.Let it cool down for 10 minutes before taking out of the springform.

Serve with whipped cream

3 коментара:

jasna varcakovic је рекао...

Izgleda i zvuci tako jedozovno!

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