
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price
202 Pageviews
Feb. 28th - Mar. 28th

среда, 25. јун 2014.

Riblje pljeskavice- Fish Cakes

  • 500g ribljih fileta,grubo isečenih
  • 1/2 šolje svežeg iseckanog korijandera
  • 35g (1/4 cup) gustina
  • 2kašike ribljeg sosa
  • 2kašike slatkog čili sos
  • 1jaje  izmućeno
  • 3mlada luka,iseckana
  • 50g buranije,iseckane
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) ulja
  • Limun ili limeta,kriške za servianje
  • Sladak čili sos za serviranje

  • 500g firm white fish fillets (such as ling), coarsely chopped
  • 1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves
  • 35g (1/4 cup) cornflour
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce
  • 1 egg, lightly whisked
  • 3 green onions, ends trimmed, finely chopped
  • 50g green beans, finely chopped
  • 80ml (1/3 cup) vegetable oil
  • Lime wedges, to serve
  • Sweet chilli sauce, extra, to serve
  • Priprema
  1. Korak 1
    Stavimo ribu u  blender ,dodamo korijander,gustin, riblji sos,sladak čili sos i jaje i blendamo ok se sve lepo sjedini
  2. Korak  2
    Sipamo masu iz blendera u činiju. Dodamo luk i buraniju i izmešamo.rukom izvadimo manju količinu i 
  3.                                            blago napravimo lopticu,zatim je splesnemo.Pečemo sa svake  strane oko 4                                                                 minuta

  1. Korak 3
    Serviramo uz sladak čili sos i kriške limuna, limete

  • Method
  1. Step 1
    Place the fish in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Add the coriander, cornflour, fish sauce, sweet chili sauce and egg, and process until well combined.

  1. Step 2
    Transfer the fish mixture to a large bowl. Add the shallot and beans and stir until well combined. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heatPlace 4 egg rings in the pan.  Cook for 4 minutes each side or until golden serving plates. Serve with lime wedges and extra sweet chilli sauce.
  • Method
  1. Step 1
    Place the fish in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Add the coriander, cornflour, fish sauce, sweet chilli sauce and egg, and process until well combined.
  2. Step 2
    Transfer the fish mixture to a large bowl. Add the shallot and beans and stir until well combined. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Place 4 egg rings in the pan. Divide the fish mixture into 8 equal portions. Press 1 portion into each egg ring. Cook for 4 minutes each side or until golden brown. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel. Repeat with the remaining fish mixture, reheating the pan between batches.

  3. Step 3
    Serve with some chili sauce on side and lime or lemon wedges

1 коментар:

Zorica Stajić је рекао...

Pljeskavice su prelepe a to govore i tvoje prekrasne fotke na kojima si sve detaljno prikazala...

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