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петак, 5. октобар 2018.

Nigerijski Jolof pirinač sa piletinom* Nigerian Joloff Rice

Scroll down for Recipe in English
Ovo je jedno vrlo aromatično jelo. kome skoro da nije potreban dodatak mesa. 


3 Kašike ulja
1/2 glavice crnog luka, iseckanog
1 konzerva paradajza ( 720 ml)
1 konzerva kokosovog mleka (720  ml)
3 šolje polu skuvanog pirinča
Mešavina biljnog začina
so i biber po ukusu
1 babura, iseckana
2 šarfgarepe, isečene na kolutove
750 g piletine
1 šolja vode
1 Kašika karija
3 ćena belog luka, iseckanog
300 ml bistre supe
1 kašičica kajenskog bibera


Stavimo piletinu u tepsiju, pošto smo je prethodno dobro utrljali mešavinom začina.
Pečemo sa svih strana oko 5 minuta,dodamo vodu , poklopimo i krčkamo oko 15 minuta pa sklonimo na stranu

Predgrejemo rernu na 200 stepeni Celzija. Stavimo tepsiju u rernu i pečemo oko 30 minuta.

Zagrejemo 3 Kašike ulja u tiganju, pa dodamo luk i prodinstamo. Dodamo papriku i šargarepu i sve dinstamo. pa dodamo kokosovo mleko i začine.

Sve ovo prespemo u polukuvani pirinač, dodamo paradajz, i bistru supu, pa mešajuči nekoliko minuta sve sjedinimo. Prespemo u tepsiju sa pirinčem i vratimo u rernu da se malo zapeče , oko 5 minuta na 200 stepeni C.


Nigerian Joloff Rice with chicken

This aromatic rice is almost meal in itself. Very popular dish in Nigeria but made it worldwide. Worth Trying.


  1. Place chicken drumsticks in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add 1/2 onion, ginger, crushed bouillon cubes, garlic, curry powder, 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. Mix well. Cook until chicken starts sticking to the bottom, about 5 minutes. Pour in water, mix, cover the pot, and bring to a gentle simmer; cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat.
  2. Transfer chicken to a baking dish using a slotted spoon. Strain cooking liquid through a fine-mesh sieve. Reserve 1 1/2 cups liquid. Discard solids.
  3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).
  4. Bake chicken in the preheated oven until no longer pink in the middle and the juices run clear, about 30 minutes. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part should read 165 degrees F (74 degrees C).
  5. Heat 3 tablespoons vegetable oil in a large pot over medium-low heat and cook 1/2 onion until soft and translucent but not browned, about 5 minutes. Add tomato sauce; cook and stir until slightly thickened and infused into the oil, 5 to 7 minutes.
  6. Stir reserved chicken broth, coconut milk, 1 teaspoon herbes de Provence, salt, and pepper into the pot. Bring to a simmer; add rice. Cook, stirring often, until rice is almost tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Add frozen vegetables and continue cooking until rice is tender and creamy about 5 minutes.
  7. Heat 1/2 cup of canola oil in a nonstick pan over medium heat. Add plantains and fry on both sides until golden and crispy, about 2 to 3 minutes per side. Drain on paper towels. Garnish jollof rice with fried plantains and serve with chicken.
  8. Ingredients

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