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понедељак, 16. јануар 2017.

Špageti Pescatore sa svežim morskim plodovima i paradajz sosom* Spaghetti Pescatore with Fresh Seafood and tomato sauce

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Jedan od recepta koje sam skoro pravila pod budnim okom ovde poznatog Chef . gospodina Dronjak. 
Recept je veoma jednostavan, preukusan, zbog svih svežih namirnica i ribe.


250 g sveže ribe, sa čvrstim mesom
500 g svežih školjki
300 g svežih kapica ( clams)
12  neoljuštenih  gambora
750 ml bistre riblje supe
1 kg svežeg zrelog paradajza
Extra devičansko maslinovo ulje
2 čena belog luka
1 manji crni luk
rukohvat svežeg peršuna
250 ml suvog belog vina
200 g špageta
so i biber, po ukusu


Prvo očistimo školjke od brade, Dobro ih operemo i ostavimo sa strane

Zagrejemo bistru riblju supu.

Isečemo vrh paradajza i zasečemo blago na dnu. Kada supa provri ubacimo dvadesetak selundi. Izvadimo u činiju sa hladnom vodom. Oljuštimo.Ovo će ići veoma lako.Isečemo na krupnije komade .To ćemo koristiti u sosu.

Zagrejemo u većem tiganju malo više maslinovog ulja. Dodamo iseckan beli i crni luk, zatim iseckan peršun. Na visokoj temperaturi , mešamo dok luk ne postane staklast. Uspemo paradajz i mešamo. Dodamo belo vino.. Sada smanjimo temperaturu i dobro promešamo. Dodamo malo bistre supe ako nam se čini premalo tečnosti. Kasnije će biti  više tečnosti kad skuvamo špagete

Kada riblja bistra supa kuva, uspemo špagete. Redovno mešamo, da se ne zalepe. Kuvamo al dente (na zub)
Iscedimo ali zadržimo višak bistre supe.

Sada dodajemo morske plodove, prvo školjke, zatim gambore i na kraju komade ribe.
Dodajemo bistru supu, ako je potrebno.

Uspemo špagete i dobro promešamo. Pospemo peršunovim listom


Spaghetti Pescatore with Fresh Seafood and Fresh Tomato Sauce

This is one of the Recipes to well-known Chef in New Zealand and beyond, Mr. Dronjak.
I tried to recreate it under his watchful eye.

Recipe is easy to make, but because of the freshness of all the ingredients, it tastes fantastic.


250 g fresh fish, with firm flesh
750 ml Fish stock
1 kg vine ripened tomatoes
 500 g fresh green mussels
300 g clams
12 whole prawns, raw, head, shell on
Extra Virgin olive oil
2 garlic cloves
1 middle onion
1 handful of parsley
250 ml dry white wine
200 g spaghetti
Salt and pepper


Prepare the shellfish, by cleaning it well, removing any barnacles
rinse well. Portion the fish in bite size.
Set aside

Heat fish stock in a pot and bring to a boil. Score the bottom and tops of the tomatoes and place in the boiling stock for about 20 seconds. Take them out with slotted spoon and place in cold water. They will be very easy to peel. Chop them for the sauce.

Heat another pan with a good splash of olive oil. Add the finely chopped garlic, onion and parsley and stir.
Add the chopped tomato and cook on a high heat stirring well. When cooked out a little add the white wine. Add a little of fish stock while cooking if sauce becomes dry.
You will have more liquid when your pasta is cooked.

In the pot with boiling fish stock add your pasta and cook until al dente (firm to bite).
When cooked, strain pasta keeping the fish stock which you can add to sauce if necessary
Do not make the sauce too thin.
Add the seafood in order of cooking time, shellfish first, then prawns and as last fish medallions. Add the spaghetti to the sauce. Combine all ingredients well.

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