
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

недеља, 7. август 2016.

Fingerfood, bukovača sir i jaja * Fingerfood, oyster mushroom, cheese and eggs

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Već sam u nekoliko postova pisala o tome da uzgajamo bukovaču na talogu kafe. Najbolji primerci idu u prodaju, a ostatak pojedemo. Taj ostatak nije ništa manje ukusan u sososvima, supama, sufleima ili kao ovde Fingerfood.


500 g bukovaće
1/2 crnog iseckanog luka
2 čena iseckanog belog luka
Malo začina
biber i so po ukusu
1 Kašika peršuna, iseckanog
100 ml pavlake
50 g feta sira
50 g rendanog kačkavačja
3 jaja
3 gotove kore za pitu
20 g putera za premazivanje kora


Prvo iseckamo sitno bukovaču

Zatim stavimo prvo crni i beli luk i malo prodinstamo

Dodamo bukovaču, peršun i začin posolimo i pobiberimo

Dinstamo oko 10 minuta na srednjoj temperatu. Kad su gotove ostavimo da se malo ohlade
U medjuvremenu pripremimo jaja, sireve i pavlaku, sve dobro izmešamo, pa u to dodamo pečurke

Filo kore sečemo na trouglove i premažemo ih puterom

Zatim u mali mafinarnik koji smo takodje blago namastili stavimo prvo koru pa sipamo fil

Zatvorimo na vrhu i premažemop rastopljenim puterom

Pečemo na 220 stepeni Celzija 15 minuta dok kore lepo porumene


I wrote couple of times about us growing oyster mushrooms on coffee grinds. Best goes for sale and the rest we use in our kitchen. The rest is not less tasty and ends up in soups, sauces, souffles or like here in Fingerfood.


500 g oyster mushrooms
1/2 onion, finely diced
2 cloves of garlic, finely diced
1TBSP of celery
salt and pepper, to taste
50 g feta cheese
50 g grated cheese
3 eggs
100 ml cream
3 sheets of Puff Pastry
20 g  butter for brushing the pastry


Slice mushrooms in small pcs
First saute short onion and garlic than add mushrooms , salt, pepper and parsley.
Saute 10 minutes on medium
In the meantime prepare , eggs , cheeses and cream mixing all well together
When mushrooms are done, let cool slightly
Add to other ingredients
Cut your puff pastry in triangles and put them in small muffin tin
Brush with butter and fill
Close the top and brush with butter

Bake on 220 Degrees Celsius, 15 minutes until golden brown

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