
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

понедељак, 28. јул 2014.

Pihtije - Meat in jelly

Sećam se kad sam prvi put tražila recept za pihtije po netu.Pa se prosto prepadoh ,šta mi sve treba! Te neke svinjske uši,nogice repovi junece ovo pa ono.Tako odlučih da sama napravim i to od sveže kolenice.Znači dosta mesa,belog luka i soli ,
Dakle veliki lonac ,jedna poveća mesnata sveža kolenica u njega i jedna glavica belog luka, Nekoliko zrna bibera crnog, pa 1 kašika soli!

Kuva se nekoliko sati, dok se meso ne počne raspadati.U medjuvremenu sa cediljkom skidamo penu koja se stvara i dolivamo vodu.Kad je meso skuvano očistimo ga ,isečemo naseckamo još dosta belog luka,probamo. Vodu u kojoj se kuvalo,procedimo i prespemo u kalup gde smo stavili mesoAko treba dosolimo.Čiča miča i gotova priča.Onda ostavimo u frižider.možete i napolju ako je zima ..samo ja ne bih jer sam sigurna da i moje mačke vole pihtije.A bogami i  komšije!
A pihtije fanatstične!

I remember when I first was looking on the net for this traditional Serbian recipe.I was bit taken by the number of ingredients meaning meat sorts u should use.

Than decided to use only one big Pork shank .Lot of water. Boil for couple of hours,add 1 spoon of salt one cleaned head of garlic and few black peppercorns .While cooking clean with slot spoon surface and add water.

When the meat is falling of the bone,clean and cut it.Add finely chopped garlic from another  whole garlic,taste and add salt if necessary.
Pour liquid through sieve and add  in the dish you will cool it , where you placed the meat.Let it stand in fridge overnight and enjoy. You could in winter put it outside.I do not as my cats like it and my neighbors too!Fantastic simple and very taste dish!

1 коментар:

jasna varcakovic је рекао...

Ovo jaaako dugo nisam pravila, a obozavam. Great job!

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