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Sugar and spice and all things without price

недеља, 4. септембар 2016.

Švarcvaldka * Schwarzwalder Kirschen Torte

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Mislim da svako ko voli torte , mora da je pravio i ovu, bar jednom.
Svetski poznata ova Nemačka torta je iznenadjujuće laka za spremanje. I nije joj potreban puter!


Za koru

5 jaja
175 g šećera
125 g brašna
1 kašičica vanila ekstrakta
50 g gustina
15 g kakao
1 kašičica praška za pecivo

Za fil

500 ml pavlake
1 kašičica vanila ekstrakta
20 g gustina
100 g šećera
100ml soka od višanja
1 tegla (oko 500 g iscedjeno) višanja, od čega odvojima 50 g za dekoraciju

i oko 100 g rendane čokolade za dekoraciju


Razdvojimo žumanca i belanca
Umutimo čvrst šne u koji smo dodali vanilu i šečer
Umutimo posebno žumanca
Pažljivo spojimo

Prosejemo brašno, gustin i kakao i dobro umešamo

Sipamo  u okrugao pleh sa dnom , koje se vadi

Pečemo 20 minuta na 180 stepeni C

U medjuvremenu ukuvamo sok od višnje sa malo gustina i 4 kašike šečera .Oko 5 minuta, dok se ne zgusne
Umutimo pavlaku i šećer

Kad se kolač ohladio, presečemo na 3 dela.
Kolač spajamo i filujemo tako što ga slažemo na tanjir sa kojega ćemo služiti a gornji deo pleha stavimo na njega.
Prvi deo premažemo : Prvo ugušćen sok od višanja, pa tanak sloj šlaga , pa poredjamo višnje
Stavimo drugu koru i malo pritisnemo
Na drugu koru mažemo  2/3 preostalog šlaga

Stavimo treću koru  i pritisnemo

Ostavimo malo da stoji, pa skinemo obruč pleha i ceo kolač premažemo ostatkom šlaga.
Pospemo rendanom čokoladom i dekorišemo višnjama


Schwarzwalder Kirsch Torte

I do not think that anyone  who loves baking , has not made this cake at least once. It is world famous and very simple to prepare. And it has no butter!


For the cake

5 eggs
175 g sugar
125 g flour
1 tsp baking powder
50 g cocoa
1 tsp vanila
50 g  cornstarch

For filling

500 ml cream
100 g of sugar
20 g of corn starch
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1 jar of sour cherries ( 500 g when drained and keep 50 g for decoration)
100 ml of juice of sour cherries ( from the jar)
100g grated chocolate for decoration


Separate egg whites and yolks
Beat egg whites to meringue. Add sugar and vanilla extract
In separate bowl mix egg yolks till creamy. Add little sugar
Work the mixture carefully through meringue
Sift flour, cocoa , baking powder into egg white mixture. Mix well
Use round baking tin with removable bottom-Line with baking paper
Por mixture in baking tin
Bake in preheated oven at 180 Degrees  Celsius fr 20 minutes
Beat cream till fluffy.
In small sauce pan, heat up sour chery jus and some sugar and cornstarch till thickens. Let it cool.

When cake baked let it cool
Cut in 3 layers
Put first layer on teh plate you will be serving it from
I put the ring of my baking pan around it as it assembles easier and nicer
On the first layer, pour this sour cheery sauce
Put thin laz+yer of cream over it.
Assemble layer of sour cherries.

Put the second layer and press it lightly,
Put 1/3 of cream on it .
Put third layer and press lightly.
Remove the ring
Put remaining cream over whole cake
Grate some chocolate on it
Decorate top with sour cherries

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