
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

субота, 24. септембар 2016.

Čizkejk iz tegle * Cheesecake in a jar

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Jedno vreme na blogovima je bio trend da se raznorazna jela , salate i deserti prave u teglici. Nisam do sad nikad probala, a jedini razlog zašto sam se ovoga puta odlučila mi je bio da  sam desert nosila u goste i činilo mi se kao lepo iznenadjenje domaćici i mnogo je lakše za poneti. Metoda je ista kao i kod standardnog čizkejka. Ovaj je nepečen mada ima teglica koje mogu ići u rernu.

Dopalo mi se kako sa veoma malo truda izgleda baš lepo.


1 pakovanje biskvita, 300 g
250 g krem sira
50 g otopljenog putera
100 ml pavlake
50 g šećera
1 kašičica vanile
3 žumanca
200g bobičastog voća ( moje je iz zamrzivača)


Izmrvimo biskvite i dodamo otopljeni puter
U teglice ih pritisnemo na dno i ostavimo u frižider 30 minuta
U medjuvremenu umutimo krem sir, pavlaku, šečer i dodajemo jedno po jedno žumance. Uspemo vanilu
Na  ohladjene biskvite ptvo sipamo voće pa onda krem fil.

Ponovo vratimo u frižider i ostavimo da se sčvrsne. Ako vam se žuri, možete ostaviti i u friz. Izvadite 30 minuta pre posluženja.


Cheesecake in a jar

For some time it was trend among bloggers to make food in a jar. salads, lunches, deserts and in some jars you could also bake. I never tried it back than, but on one occasion when we went to visit friends for a bit longer travelling time I made desert in jar and it was easy to transport. I made as you can see it in the picture also in single servings we kept for when we come back :)

This of course is also ideal for picnic


1 pack of cookies, 300 g
250 g cream cheese
1 tsp vanilla essence
50 g of sugar
100 ml cream
3 egg yolks
200 g of berries ( I used frozen)
50 g of liquid butter


Crush the cookies and mix with liquid butter
Push small quantity in each jar and leave in the fridge for 30 minutes
In the meantime make the cheesecake filling, mixing cream cheese , sugar, cream and vanilla.
Add egg yolk one by one , mixing well.
Assemble your jars by first putting fruit layer and than cream cheese filling.
Chill for at least 4 hours. If you are in a hurry you can put it in a freezer for one hour.

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