
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

среда, 29. јун 2016.

Govedji Gulaš, bukovača iz rerne * Oven made Beef goulash, Oyster mushroom

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Mi uzgajamo bukovaču na talogu kafe. Prošle godine eksperimentalno, ove godine i komercijalno. Još uvek nije perfektno ali na svakoj novoj turi po nešto naučimo. Srećom volimo bukovaču pa je često i pravimo. U toku uzgoja izbacili smo u donju baštu neke džakove gde se pojavila budj. Medjutim šetajući tom baštom spazimo da iz tih džakova raste ponovo bukovača. Sreća. Evo je u jednom divnom gulašu. Ako ste znatiželjni kako da i vi uzgojite svoju bukovaču, vrlo je jednostavno i možete čak nekoliko džakova staviti na terasu.  Uputstva su OVDE


1 kg govedine, isečen na režnjeve
1 Kašika suncokret ulja
3 crna luka isečena na 12 kriški
3 čena isitnjenog belog luka
2 kašičice dimljene paprike
1 Kašika aleve paprike
1 l bistre supe
600 ml vode
400 g paradajza iz konzerve
2 Kašike paradajz pire
2 lorber lista
2 Kašike paradajz sosa
1 crvena babura
1 zelena babura
krupna morska so
sveže mleven crni biber
500 g bukovače


Predgrejemo rernu na 170 stepeni C ili Fan 150 stepeni C
Isečemo meso , odstranjujući višak masnoće. Začinimo solju i biberom

Izdinstamo crni i beli luk luk , meso i papriku. Sve oko 10tak minuta na visokoj temperaturi
Dodamo dimljenu i alevu papriku. Dodamo iseckanu bukovaču
Nalijemo bistru supu i vodu, dodamo lorberov list
Dodamo paradajz, pire sos ai iz konzerve. Prokrčkamo

Posolimo i pobiberimo , po ukusu
Prekrijemo poklopcem ili srebrnom folijom pa stavimo u rernu
Krčkamo 1 1/2 sat

Služimo kao dodatak pirinač ili krompir pire


Oven made Beef Goulash with Oyster mushrooms

We grow our own oyster mushrooms on coffee grinds. Last year as experiment, this year bigger quantities and so some for sale. It is very easy and does not require big investment. You could even for your own use grow some bags on your balcony. We had removed some bags from the garage to the lower garden, as those were showing some mould. Walking through garden other day, we discovered we had pretty good quantity of oysters in these bags. That is how this dish came about. If you are interested to grow your own, instructions are HERE. You do need to hit translator as text is only in Serbian language


  • 1kg good braising steak, preferably chuck steak
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 3 medium onions, cut into 12 wedges
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 tsp hot smoked paprika
  • 1 tbsp paprika
  • 1 l clear stock
  • 600ml cold water
  • 400g can of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp tomato purée
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • flaked sea salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 500 g fresh Oyster mushrooms

  • Create

  • Preheat the oven to 170°C/Fan 150°C/Gas 3½. Trim any hard fat off the beef and cut the meat into rough 4cm chunks. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  • Heat the oil in a large flameproof casserole dish. Add the steak and fry over a high heat until nicely browned all over, turning regularly. Tip the onions into the pan and cook with the beef for 5 minutes until softened. Add the crushed garlic and cook for a further minute, stirring regularly.
  • Sprinkle both paprikas over the meat. Add cut oysters Add the water,  clear stock, tomatoes, tomato purée and bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper, stir well and bring to a simmer. Cover with a tightly fitting lid and transfer the dish to the oven. Cook for 1½ hours.
  • While the beef is cooking, remove the core and seeds from each pepper and chuck them away. Cut each pepper into chunks of about 3cm. When the beef has cooked for 1½ hours, carefully remove the dish from the oven. Stir in the peppers, put the lid back on and put the goulash back in the oven for a further hour or until the beef is meltingly  tender.
  • Serve with small portions of rice (see pages 178–179) and spoonfuls of soured cream if you like, but don’t be too generous – soured cream contains less fat than double cream but still has 30 calories per tablespoon!

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