
Dzoli volinet.kuvar

Sugar and spice and all things without price

среда, 8. јун 2016.

Domaći Burek * Home made burek

Kad sam bila mala moja baka me je učila da razvlačim kore. Kad kažem mala, onda milsim tako mala da sam jedva videla vrh kuhinjskog stola. I razvlačim ja razvlačim, dok se kore ne pocepaju... Baka skupi testo , pa ajde opet. Ja plašem ali vučem, vučem.

Naravno kasnije kupim kore  , nisam ih nikad više sama razvlačila ali se ovoga uvek rado setim.

I sad me jedan prijatelj zamolio da napravim sa mojim korama i tako je nastao ovaj burek. Mislim da nisam još baš sve bakine savete zaboravila. Osim što ću sledećeg puta staviti malo više sira


  • 600ml tople vode
  • 850g mekog brašna
  • 2 kašikice soli
  • ulje
  • 1 Kašika sirćeta ( da kore ne bi pucale)

300 g kozjeg feta sira
3 jaja
150 ml slane pavlake


U posudu za mešenja testa sipati mlaku vodu. Dodati jedan deo brašna, zatim so, pa meseći testo dodavati ostatak brašna. Testo mesiti sve dok ne postane kompaktno i glatko. To je, vremenski,  oko 5min.  mešenja testa.
Umešeno testo istresti na nabrašnanu radnu površinu, lagano ga posuti brašnom, pa podeliti na dva jednaka dela i oblikovati tri manje okrugle jufke. Staviti ih na čistu, suvu, nabrašnavljenu krpu, pokriti drugom krpom i ostaviti da odmaraju 30min.
Po stolu rasprostrti čist, platneni stolnjak. 
Na sredinu stolnjaka posuti brašno u obliku kruga prečnika, recimo, 50ak cm. Na sredinu brašnavog kruga staviti jednu jufku, blago je posuti brašnom, pa je rastanjiti oklagijom koliko god je moguće. Oklagijom radite samo dok može, nemojte previše forsirati, kad vidite da oklagija više ne radi posao, odložite je sa strane. Proverite da li su se ivice testa zalepile za stolnjak, ako jesu, samo ih pažljivo odlepite i deo testa koji se lepi nabrašnavite odgore i odole. Ostavite testo, ovako polurazvučeno, da odmori još cca 5min.

Kada ste onda testo sasvim razvukli premažete filom, pa podižući ivice stolnjaka rolate sa jedne i druge strane dok se ne spoje u sredini
Stavite u okruglu tepsiju. Premažete uljem i pečete oko 35 minuta.

Naravno jedete uz čuvenu čašu jogurta, ovde ga zovemo jogurt za piće


Home made Burek

When I was a little girl, my Grandma thought me how to make filo pastry from scratch. She would make it with me and than when it was ready to roll out, she would put it in the middle of the table which was covered with pristine linen cloth and say : Now you pull it.
I would pull really careful but still it would burst on several places. It has to be so thin that you can see the table cloth!

She would put the dough together , return it to the table and there I was crying but pulling pulling

When I think of that I never made my own pastry for burek. Ot is a bit of work and now days you can buy them ready made and of good quality.

Nevertheless I always with smile on my face remember above story.
So I did it again. Think Grandma would be proud of me. Only next time I will use more cheese in the filling



600 ml warm water
850 g flour
2 tsp of salt
1 tsp of vinegar ( this prevents dough sheets from bursting into holes:)


300g feta cheese ( I used goats , but you can use any other)
3 eggs
150 ml of sour cream


In big bowl put water , salt and little bit of flour. Keep mixing and adding flour. I first mix with the wooden spoon and than with my hands. Your dough should be compact and smooth.

Divide it in two balls and put them on working surface which you sprinkled with little flour

Sprinkle the dough with flour too and cover with kitchen cloth. It needs some rest for about 30 minutes.

Put a clean /without crease ) tablecloth on your kitchen table and sprinkle flour.

One by one roll the dough out as far as it is possible, with rolling pin.

Than gently pull around the dough from all sides. Stretch the dough as far as you can. If it shows little holes here and there, no drama. Certainly no tears!

When you have stretched the dough so thin that you can see your tablecloth through it its ready

Brush it with oil .Spread your filling.

Now using the tablecloth from the side roll your dough from both sides till they meet in the middle. Put it in round not too deep dish that you have greased well
Make both dough balls like this

Bake for about 35 minutes till golden brown

In my country it is mostly eaten warm with drink yoghurt on side

Good luck!

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