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субота, 10. новембар 2018.

5. Tražimo najbolji Recept Azijske Kuhinje: Searching for the best Recipe in Asian kitchen

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ovo je prilog Ivane Pešić za naše Kuligre. Hvala i Sretno!

Tajlandska Salata

thai Salad

1 pakovanje nudli, 200 g sargarepe, 100 g paprike,200 g svezeg kupusa, 200 g mlevene piletine, 20 g prepecenog susama,ulje, limunov sok, so, biber, djumbir

Skuvati nudle, a piletinu proprziti. Povrce iseckati na stapice, pa mu dodati piletinu i nudle, preliti limunovim sokom i uljem, dodati so, biber i djumbir. Dobro izmesati i posuti susamom.


Thai Salad

1 pack of noodles, 200 g of carrots, 100 g of peppers, 200 g of fresh cabbage, 200 g of ground chicken, 20 g of  sesame, oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, ginger

Cook noodles, fry chicken. Cut veggies in sticks and add chicken and noodles, sprinkle with lemon juice and oil, add pepper and ginger. Mix well and sprinkle with sesame.

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