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субота, 10. новембар 2018.

3. Tražimo najbolji recept Azijske Kuhinje? Searching for the best recipe from Asian kitchen

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Chicken Asian way
Ovo je prilog Verice Poznanović. Hvala i Sretno
Piletina na Azijski način

Potrebno je:

350g pilećeg mesa, 
5 kašika ulja,
2 čena belog luka,
1  manja šargarepa,
1 glavica crnog luka, 
3-4  kašike soja sosa,
500g širokih rezanaca,
po ukusu, biber, so, šafran, korijander.


Pileće meso isecite na trake. Šargarepu i  crni luk iseckajte.
U vok tiganju  ili nekoj  drugoj  dubljoj  posudi  zagrejte  ulje pa dodajte   meso i beli luk isečen po ukusu. Pržite meso i beli luk 1-2 minuta,  dodajte crni luk i šargarepu.U drugoj šerpi  skuvajte  testeninu na uobičajen način.

Kad meso porumeni dodajte crni luk, zacinite soja sosom,  po ukusu dodajte  so i biber. Dinstajte par minuta,  dodajte 1-2 kasike vode ako vam se cini da nije dovoljno tečno  Skinite sa vatre i  servirajte.
Testenina preko nje piletina. Pospite šafranom i korijanderom.
Ukrasite po ukusu!
Verica Poznanović


Chicken, Asian Way

It's necessary:

350g of chicken meat,
5 tablespoons of oil,
2 garlic berries,

1 small carrot,
1 head of the onion,
3-4 tablespoons of soy sauce,
500g of wide noodles,
by taste, pepper, salt, saffron, coriander.


Cut chicken meat into strips. Cut the carrot and the onion.
Heat oil in a wok or some other deep dish, then add meat and chopped garlic. Fry the meat and garlic for 1-2 minutes, add the onion and carrot. In the pot, cook the pasta in the usual way.

When the meat is browned, add onions, soy sauce, add salt and pepper to taste. Bake for a few minutes, add 1-2 tablespoons of water if it seems to you that it's not liquid enough Take off the stove and serve it.
Pasta and on it chicken. Sprinkle with saffron and coriander.

Verica Poznanović

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