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Sugar and spice and all things without price
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Feb. 25th - Mar. 25th

субота, 10. новембар 2018.

6.Tražimo Najbolji Recept Azijske kuhinje * Searching for the Best Recisp, Asian Kitchen

Scroll down for the Recipe in English

Video zapis poslala je Sladjana Šćekić kao prilog  za Nagradnu Igru. Hvala i Sretno

Piletina sa povrćem na Azijski način
Piletina sa povrcem, Azijski mlecni hleb

400g. belog mesa
200 g. šargarepe.
200 g.karfiola
200 g. brokoli
2 glavice crnog luka
2 česne belog luka 
100 g.kukuruza
1 kašika soja sosa
2 kašike ulja od susama
1 čaša crnog slatkog vina
                                       Belo meso iseći na trake, pa ga propržiti na susamovom ulju u voku dodati crni luk isečen na rebarca, šargareou isečenu na kolutove, i karfiol i brokoli. 
Dodati i crno slatko vino i soja sos. Pržiti 10 min. i servirati sa mlečnim Azijskim hlebom.

Azijski mlečni hleb

2 dl mleka
1 jaje
2/3 šolje punomasne pavlake
4 šolje prosejanog brašna
1 kašika suvog kvaca
1/3 šolje šećera
1 kašičica soli
Za premazivanje:
1 jaje 
1 kašičica vode

               U činiju stavimo brašno,pavlaku, mleko jaje, šećer ,so i nadošli kvasac. Sve lepo umesimo prvo mikserom pa zatim rukom. Zameseno testo ostaviti na toplpm da narasta 1h. Posle 1h. testo premesiti i podeliti na nekoliko loptica. Poredjati u pleh i ostaviti još 1h. da odstoji zatim ga premazati jajetom i vodom.
Peći na 185 min. 20-25 min.

Chicken with veggies , Asian way* Asian Milk Bread

Chicken with vegetables in the Asian way

400g. white meat
200 g. carrots.
200 g cauliflower
200 g. Broccoli
2  onion
2 garlic 
100 g corn
1 tablespoon of soybean
2 tablespoons of sesame oil
1 glass of black sweet wine
                                        Cut meat into strips, pour sesame oil in the wok, add onion cut into ribs, carrots cut into rings, and cauliflower and broccoli.
Add black sweet wine and soy sauce. Fry 10 min. and serve with Asian bread.

Asian milk bread

2 dl of milk
1 egg
2/3 cups full fat sour cream
4 cups of flour
1 tbsp dry yeast
1/3 cup of sugar
1 spoon of salt
For coating:
1 egg
1 tsp water


               Put in the bowl flour, sour cream, milk egg, sugar, and yeast. Mix well with a mixer first and then hand. Leave the dough for 1h. Dough to be divided into several balls. Sort in the broth and leave for another 1 hour. to stand and then cover it with an egg and water.
Bake at 185 Degrees Celsius. 20-25 min.

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