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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

недеља, 16. април 2017.

Losos na pari i sos Holandez * Steamed salmon and Sauce Hollandaise

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Lososu zaista nije potrebno neko komplikovano spremanje. Ovako na pari začas je gotov i sačuva svoj jedinstven ukus. Uz izvrstan sos holandez, baren krompir posut seckanim peršunom , brokoli i grilovan limun , odličan ručak.


600 g losos fileta
300 g brokoli
1 limun,
 4 manja krompira

Sos Holandez

2 Kašike / 30 ml ) soka od limuna
4 Žumanca
2 Kašike / 30 ml) vode
1 šolja , otopljenog putera
so i biber


U šerpu sipamo malo vode pa stavimo cediljku na to , koja se kasnije poklopi
U cediljku poredjamo fielte lososa i poklopimo
Na srednjoj temperaturi parimo ribu oko 10 minuta

U medjuvremenu pripremimo sos i skuvamo krompir i brokoli

Holandez sos je brzo gotov i uz ribu ovakve vrste je zaista ukusan.


I za ovo nam je potrebna jedna šerpa u koju smo sipali malo vode, pa stavili činiju na nju
U činiji mešamo vodu, sok od limuna i žumanca dok dobijemo gust sos

Skinemo sa šporeta pa dodajemo otopljen puter , dobro mešajući. Posolimo i pobiberimo


Steamed Salmon with Sauce Hollandaise

Salmon is that kind of fish that does not need or like long and complicated preparation time. Love it steamed with boiled young potatoes sprinkled with fresh parsley, broccoli, and Sauce Hollandaise. I love grilled lemon halves on side.


600 g salmon filets
300 g broccoli
4 middle potatoes
salt and pepper

In double boiler put salmon on top and put the lid on. Let the water in the first pan come to a boil and reduce the temperature. Steam for about 10 minutes.

Boil potatoes and broccoli. Make hollandaise sauce

This sauce is really easy to make. Also in a double boiler, this time with  a bowl on top whisk eggs, water, and lemon juice until thick.
Take off the stove and whisk slowly melted butter. Add salt and pepper

Hollandaise Sauce

    • Salt and pepper

    1. In a bowl on top of a saucepan of simmering water, whisk the lemon juice with the water and egg yolks until thick and fluffy.
    2. Remove the bowl from the double boiler. Off the heat, drizzle in the butter, whisking constantly. Season with salt and pepper. Keep aside at room temperature. Reheat on top of the double boiler, over simmering water whisking just for a few seconds, just before serving.

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