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Sugar and spice and all things without price
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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

понедељак, 3. октобар 2016.

Baka Jelenin kolač od griza * Granny Jelena Semolina Cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ponekad naidjete na recept , koji vam se čini dovoljno lak i brz da ga izaberete za dan kada imate goste pa spremate još i dosta ostalih jela.

Ovaj kolač je i mene  i moje goste više nego prijatbo iznenadio. Toliko je sočan i ukusan da mi je zaista žao šti vam to ne mogu preneti drugačije nego rečima
Recept je postavila moja baka Jelena, koja i inače ima divne jednostavne recepte na svom blogu.
A svaki od njih je prikazan ina njenom You Tube kanalu . Hvala baki.


3 jaja
2 kašičice cimeta
 1 kašičica praška za pecivo
 3 kašičice vanilin šečera
1-3 jabuke, rendane
100 gr. mlevenih oraha
100 ml. mleka
100 ml. ulja
Rendana korica 1 limuna
200 gr. griza
200 gr šećera


Žicom ili mikserom  umutimo jaja i šećer.
Izrendamo jabuke i dodamo cimet, pa ostavimo 10tak minuta da stoje
Dodamo mleko i ulje i dobro promešamo,
Zatim  usipamo griz, prašak za pecivo, vanilin šećer , orahe i jabuke.
Sve izmešamo u srednje gustu masu
Sipamo u pleh 23 cm razmere, koji ima dno koje se skida. 
Dno pleha smo prethodno prekrili pek papirom i namastili
Pečemo na 200 stepeni Celzija 30 do 35 minuta

Super je dok je još topao i posipan šečerom u prahu
U originalnom receptu preliven je još i čokoladom , ja sam to izostavila

Granny Jelena Semolina Cake

Sometimes you come across Recipes that look like good taste and easy to make for when you do not have  a lot of time as you expect guests for dinner and have to cook more dishes.
Such a recipe is this one from my Granny Jelena , who always has simple but oh so tasty recipes as you can see on her blog HERE.
She also has the same recipes on her YOU TUBE channel. Have  a look for yourself

Boy, this cake surpassed all my expectation. Yes, it was easy to make and fast but the taste? If I could only describe it to you how moist soft and tasty it was.


3 eggs
3 apples, grated
1 tsp of baking powder
3 tsp of cinnamon
3 tsp of vanilla sugar
200 g of fine semolina
200  g of sugar
100 g of crushed walnuts
100 ml milk
100 ml oil
Lemon zest of 1 lemon


First peel and grate the apples. Add cinnamon and stand aside for about 10 minutes
 Cream your sugar and eggs.  
Add oil and milk and mix well
Add semolina, and baking powder . 
As last add walnuts and grated apple
Dough will be medium density

Pour in baking tin with removable bottom, which you have put baking paper in and greased lightly

Bake at 200 Degrees Celsius  for 30 to 35 minutes
Best served warm , sprinkled with icing sugar

Original recipe has a melted chocolate on top, I did not add it

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