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среда, 5. децембар 2018.

Vegan majonez* Vegan Mayonaise

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ne samo za one koji ne mogu zbog alergije koristiti jaja ili su vegan, ovo je super alternativa tradicionalnom majonezu i morate mi verovati na reč dok ga ne napravite da u ukusu nema nikakve razlike.. Ja sam koristila već kuvan pasulj iz konzerve , a vi možete koristiti i pasulj koji ste potopili u vodi preko noči, što će dati majonez bele boje.


1  1/2 šolja pasulja ) ja sam koristila gotov iz konzerve)
2 Kašike ulja
so, po ukusu
1 limun, sok i korica
Gaza za cedjenje


Ocedimo pasulj, pa u blenderu izmeljemo kao pire
Sipamo u gazu, pa cedimo koliko možemo.

 Ocedjenu tečnost sipamo u šerpu, dodamo ulju , korisu limuna i sok i posolimo, pa mešamo dok se ne zgusne ( oko 10 minuta)

Eggless Mayonnaise

For one that has an egg allergy or is vegan, this is a great alternative. Taste is the same. You can use the same method with dry white beans which you soaked overnight. This will also produce whiter mayonnaise.


  • 1¾ cups drained cooked or canned white beans (one 15 or 16 oz can)
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 Tablespoon white wine vinegar or additional fresh lemon juice
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon dry mustard
  • ⅓ cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • ⅓ cup organic canola or safflower oil
  1. Place the beans, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and dry mustard in a blender (for the smoothest dressing) or food processor fitted with a metal blade.
  2. Process until very creamy. With the appliance running, drizzle in the oils in a slow, steady stream through the cap opening in the lid.
  3. Continue processing until well blended and completely smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides of the container as needed.
  4. Chill thoroughly before using.
  5. Keeps about 7 days in the refrigerator May be frozen.

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