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понедељак, 12. новембар 2018.

7.Tražimo najbolji Recept Azijske kuhinje/ Searching for the best Recipe in Asian Kitchen

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Video zapis za Pohovani sladoled poslala je Verica Nikolić. Hvala i sretno

Pohovani sladoled

Pohovani sladoled
Potrebno je:
1. sladoled (ukus po želji)
2. prezle
3. 2 jajeta
4. ulje
Način pripreme:
Kašikom za sladoled izvaditi kugle sladoleda (ja sam, zbog snimanja video klipa izvadila 4 kugle, a vi možete
 koliko želite) i poređati ih na odgovarajuću posudu, preko pek papira. Izvađene kugle ostaviti u zamrzivač pola sata. 
U jednu posudu umutiti jaja, a u drugu posudu sipati prezle. Izvaditi sladoled iz zamrzivača i krećemo sa
 pohovanjem. Uzeti jednu kuglu sladoleda, uvaljati je u jaja, pa u prezle. Zatim rukama oblikovati krug i 
ponoviti valjanje u jaja, pa još jedanput u prezle. 
Pripremljene kugle sladoleda, ponovo, vraćamo u zamrzivač, na jedan sat. 
U odgovarajuću, dublju, šerpicu sipati ulje, od 1/2 l - 1 l, zavisi od veličine šerpice. Bitno je kada se kuglica
 sladoleda stavi da bude, potpuno, pod uljem. Najbolje je raditi u fritezi, ali ko je nema ovo je odličan način
 da se napravi pohovani sladoled. Ulje zagrejati, skoro, do vrenja. Viljuškom spuštati, kuglu, po kuglu sladoleda
 u vrelo ulje. Držati 2- 3 sekunde i vaditi. 
Pohovani sladoled preliti topingom od čokolade i poslužiti. Ukus je fantastičan! Pohovani sladoled je spolja
 vreo i hrskav, a unutra leden. Ovaj desert je u našem kulinarstvu slabo zastupljen, ali zato u Azijskoj kuhinji 
veoma popularan.

Fried Icecream
This entry was sent by Verica Nikolic for our Culinary Game. Good luck and thank you

Fried ice cream

It's necessary:

1. Ice cream (taste on request)
3. 2 eggs
4. oil

Way of preparation:

Take 4 balls  of ice cream with Ice cream scooper. You can make as many as you want. Put them on a plate 
 and place in the freezer for half an hour

Put eggs in one bowl and pour bread crumbs into the other bowl. Take out the ice cream from the freezer. 
and start to prepare them for frying.. 
Take one ball of ice cream, roll it in the eggs, then into the bread crumbs. Repeat. Then form a circle with the hands
t. Prepare the ice-cream balls, again, return to the freezer, for one hour.
In an appropriate, deeper pot, pour the oil, 1/2 l - 1 l, depends on the size of the pot. It is important when
 the ball of ice cream is placed to be completely under oil. It's best to work in the fryer, 
but if you dont have one pot is fine.f .
 Oil warm up almost to boiling. Drop carefully  the ice-cream ball into a boiling oil. Hold 2- 3 seconds
Fried ice cream top with topping chocolate and serve. The taste is fantastic! Fried ice cream
 is hot and crisp on the outside, but icz inside. This dessert is poorly represented in our cuisine, 
but it is very popular in Asian cuisine.

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