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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

понедељак, 10. април 2017.

Pitice praz i feta* Pastry tartlets, leek and feta

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Brz ručak uz jogurt, svi će biti zadovoljni


1 veći praziluk, sitno iseckan
100 g feta sira
1 jaje
1 gotova kora za pite
20 g otopljenog putera za premazivanje


Izdinstamo praziluk.
Umutimo jaje dodamo izmrvljen sir i zatim izdinstan praziluk
Od kore čašom vadimo 4 manja i 4 veća kruga.

Na manji krug, koji smo premazali puterom u sredinu sipamo praz mešavinu, pa  večćm krugom poklopimo i viljuškom pritisnemo dno. I veći krug premažemo puterom, pa pečemo oko 20 minuta na 220 stepeni C , dok kora lepo ne porumeni


Pastry tartlets with leek and feta

Quick tasty lunch, which is mostly served with yogurt on side

 1 Large leek washed and thinly cut
100 g crumbled feta
1 egg
1 sheet ready-made puff pastry
20 g dissolved butter,
for brushing the pastry


Put leek and saute till soft.

Beat the egg, add crumbled feta leek and mix well

From the pastry sheet cut 4 small and 4 bigger rounds.

On smaller rounds which you brushed with butter, put the mixture in the middle. Cover with bigger round and close ends pushing with a fork. Brush this round with butter

Bake at 220 Degrees C for approx 20 minutes

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