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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

среда, 19. април 2017.

PečenePaprike punjene leblebijom* Baked Peppers filled with chickpeas

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Jednostavan recept, umesto pirinča koristila sam leblebiju i polutke paprike, zapekla u rerni, posute mocarelom


4 paprike babure, raznih boja
300 g mlevenog mesa
300 g leblebija
1/2 crvenog luka
2 čena belog luka
2 štapića celera
1  1 /2 kašičica dimljene paprike
1 Kašičica kima (cumin)
so i biber ,po ukusu
100 g rendane mocarele
8 čeri paradajza


Izdinstamo crveni luk i sitno iseckan beli luk
Dodamo meso pa viljuškom rastresemo i propržimo.
Dodamo kuvane lebelebije ( kuvano u slanoj vodi oko 15 minuta)

Dodamo sitno iseckan celer. Začinimo. Punimo polutke paprike.
Na vrh stavimo po dva čeri paradajza. Na sve pospemo rendanu mocarelu

Pečemo u rerni na 220 stepeni C , oko 20 minuta


Baked Peppers filled with Cheakpeas

A simple recipe where I used chickpeas instead of rice.


4 bell peppers cut in half
300 g mince
300 g chickpeas
1/2 red onion
2 garlic cloves
2 sticks of celery
8 cherry tomatoes
1 1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp cumin
salt and pepper, to taste
100 g grated mozzarella


Saute sliced onion and crushed garlic for 2 minutes. Add mince and divide with a fork. Add chickpeas and finely cut celery and  season
Fill pepper halved with this mixture. Put on each 2 cherry tomatoes and sprinkle with grated mozzarella.

Bake at 220 Degrees C for approx 20 minutes.

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