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Feb. 13th - Mar. 13th

среда, 5. октобар 2016.

Pečeni Karfiol * Baked Cauliflower

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Šta uraditi kad u frižideru nadjete komad povrća koji nije na vreme stigao da bude upotrebljen, kao ovaj karfiol. Pade mi odmah na pamet recept , koji sam više puta vidjala ali ga nisam pravila. Ceo karfiol  namazan divnim začinima i senfom i ispečen u rerni. Eto pogledajte i sami.
Služite ga gde god ste nameravali da kao prilog služite povrće.


1 Karfiol, oko 2 kg, očišćen od listova
3 Kašike Dizon senfa
2 Kašike maslinovog ulja
1 kašičica čili pahulja
11 kašičica sočo
1 kašičica bibera


Umutimo senf sa uljem , so, biber i čili pahulje
Premađemo ceo karfiol i ostavimo da stoji , oko 10tak minuta da taj premaz prodre u karfiol

Pečemo na pek papiru na donjoj žici. Na 220 stepeni C oko 45 minuta. 
S vremena na vreme okrenemo tepsiju


Baked Cauliflower

What do you do when you discover whole Cauliflower of good size 2 , in your fridge, that has not made it quite in time to your table, but is still edible , except some parts which you can easily cut off.

Remembered seeing pictures of baked whole cauliflower in the oven and that is what I did here

You can serve it anywhere you planned to serve vegetables as side dish


I whole cauliflower (mine was ca. 2kg)
3 Tablespoons of Dijon mustard
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp Chilli flakes
3 Tablespoons olive oil


Clean cauliflower of the black bits and leaves
Make paste out of oil, mustard,salt, pepper and chilli flakes
Rub cauliflower and let it stand for about 10 minutes ,that spices go through it
Bake on 220 Degrees C for ca. 45 minutes

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