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субота, 8. октобар 2016.

Tres Leche Kolač ( Kolač Tri Mleka) * Tres Leche Cake

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Kad sam videla blog kod Tanje Leković za ovaj kolač, setih se da ga i mi volimo, a za razliku od nje, ja lako nabavim sastojke i eto ga.

Ja sam kao gornji sloj koristila ulupana pavlaku i dodatno dekorisala trešnjama.

Pripremu patišmana nisam slikala, već sam to postavljala ali postavljam ipak recept, kome treba.



5 velikih jaja
1 šolja, 130 g brašna
1 1/2 kašičica praška za pecivo
1/4 kašičica soli
1 šolja šećera, 200 g
1/3 šolje mleka
1/2 kašice krema Tartar ili gustina
1 kašičica vanila ekstrakta
Tres Leche fil

1 3/4 šolje kondenzovanog mleka
2/3  evaporated milk, ovo uz najbolju volju nisam uspela prevesti ali radi se o mleku , gde je oko 60% mleka isparilo..
1/2 šolje kokosovog mleka  / ja sam koristila kokosov krem)
1 Kašika ruma (opcionalno)



Predgrejemo rernu na 175 stepeni C

Pripremimo pleh malo dublji (23 cm) i namastimo ga. Ja sam htela da aga pravim u o ovoj lepoj novoj okrugloj tepsiji, pa sam patišman koji sam pekla u ravnoj malo podesila.
Odvojimo žumanca i belanca

Mikserom ulupamo žumanca i šećer dok bude lepa svetla kremasta masa. Oko 5 do 8 minuta, zavisno od vašeg miksera. Dodamo vanilu i umiksamo
U drugoj činiji umiksamo belanca u šne, dodajući 3 Kašike šećera i gustin.

Sada u činiju sa žumancima dodamo pažljivo prosejano brašna i spojimo. 
Zatim takodje pažljivo umešamo šne
Sipamo u pleh i pećemo 30 do 35 minuta
Ostavimo oko 10 minuta da se ohladi , izbockamo vijuškom, pa sipamo fil
 Ne brinite ako se patišman malo skupi , ništa strašno, fil će prodreti u njega

Ostavimo u frižider da se sčvrsne, najmanje 5 sati, a još bolje preko noći.

Na kraju možete staviti na vrh kolača šlag kao ja ili karamel sos ili čokoladu ili ništa, kako god volite.

Tres Leches Fil

Vrlo jednostavno, samo umešate sve sastojke dok dobijete glatku masu


Tres Leche Cake

This cake originates from South America and is very rich, so if you are watching your calories best skip this post. 
I saw it at the Bog of my friend Tanja Leković , who also write text in English. I remmbered that we like this cake too and here it is,

Sponge Cake:
 5 Large Eggs 
130 Grams All Purpose Flour (1 Cup)
 1-1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
 200 Grams Granulated White Sugar (1 Cup) 
 1/3 Cup Milk
1/2 Teaspoon Cream of Tartar (Optional)
1 Teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract
Tres Leches Mixture:
 1 (14 Ounce) Can Sweetened Condensed Milk (1-3/4 Cups)
 2/3 Cup Evaporated Milk
1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
 1 Tablespoon Rum (Optional)

Cream for top layer


 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
 Grease a 9 inch square cake pan, coat the sides of the greased pan with flour and line the bottom with parchment paper. 
 In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, place the egg yolks and sugar (minus 2 tablespoons) and beat at high speed until the mixture becomes thick and falls back into the bowl in a ribbon when lifted. This could take anywhere between 5 and 8 minutes 
Next, add the vanilla extract and beat to incorporate. Set the mixture aside.
In another mixing bowl fitted with the whisk attachment, beat the egg whites at high speed until they start to form. If using cream of tartar, pour it in now. With the mixer still running, add the sugar bits at a time and beat the egg whites until medium peaks form.
. Add  careful  flour to the egg yolks and fold it in gently. 
 Add beaten egg whites , fold in gently
Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan and bake in the preheated oven for 30 – 35 minutes or until a tester inserted into the sponge comes out clean. Remove the cake and place it on the wire rack to cool for 10 minutes before pouring in the tres leches mixture. The sponge will shrink while cooling, this is normal and do not panic.
While the sponge is cooling, mix the 3 milks together with the rum if using to create the tres leches mixture
 Using a wooden skewer, poke holes in the sponge. After 10 minutes of cooling, pour in all the tres leches mixture a bit at a time waiting for the sponge to absorb most of the liquid before pouring more in. Do not worry about the cake becoming soggy, it wont. The tres leches mixture might look like a lot but the sponge will soak it all up.

Allow the cake to cool down completely, cover the pan with cling film and place it in the fridge for at least 5 hours, preferably overnight.
To decorate, make the whipped cream frosting by beating the whipping cream, vanilla extract and icing sugar together.

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