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Sugar and spice and all things without price

понедељак, 2. мај 2016.

Holandski sufle od sira (Kaassoufle) * Dutch Kaassoufle

Scroll down for Recipe in English

Ustvari ne radi se niokakvom sufle. Samo ga holandjani tako zovu.  Jela sam ga an putovanju kroz Holandiju i jako mi se dopao. Nije uopšte težak za pripremu, ažvrlo ukusan . krckav sa sirom koji se razliva.
Najukusniji je vtuć

3 gotove kore lisnatog testa
100 g  rendane mocarele
100 g kisele pavlake
so i biber po ukusu
20 g otopljenog putera, za premazivanje testa
1 umućeno jaje
200  g prezli
Ulje za prženje


Izmešamo mocarelu i kiselu pavlaku. Posolimo  pobiberimo
Na testo premazano puterom,   sipamo oko 1 Kašiku sira. Isećemo ispod punjenja nekoliko cm
Isečemo jednu traku iste širine kao ona na kojoj smo stavljali sir
Preklopimo prvu traku, pa isečemo na 3 dela.
Viljuškom malo pritisnemo otvorene strane testa
Takodje mako pritisnemo na sir, da se bolje rasporedi
Sada svaki komad uvaljamo u umućeno jaje, pa zatim u prezle
U šerpi zagrejemo ulje da skoro proključa. Zatim smanjimo na srednju temperaturu.
Pažljivo spuštamo po jedan komad u šetpu
Posle par minuta okrenemo, pa pržimo još oko 2 minura
Izvadimo na tanjir sa pek papirom da se ocede.

Perfektno predjelo ili posluženje. Servirati vruće


Dutch Kaassouffle

It is by no means souffle. It is just how it is called in Holland. Little crispy pockets, fried in oil. I have eaten quite a few when travelling through Holland. They are easy to make and perfect as little snack or when entertaining.


3 sheets of puff pastry
100 g mozzarella
100 g sour cream
salt and pepper , to liking
20 g melted butter to brush the pastry
2 eggs
1 cup of bread crumbs
oil for frying


Brush a sheet of puff pastry with melted butter
Mix together shredded mozzarella , sour cream, salt and pepper
1 TB Spoon of mixture onto a pastry.
Count about 3 in a row
Cut a sheet about 10 cm wide
Cut another  about the same width
Cover the first one and cut in 3 leaving cheese mixture in the middle

Press with fork on open sides to close.
Press with hand on a cheese to spread it a little

Put every piece through mixed egg and than through bread crumbs

Fry in a pan with oil, couple of minutes on each side , till they are nice golden colour

Put on a sheet of baking paper to drain fat.

Best served hot as a snack or when entertaining

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